Private International Law in Israel

Private International Law in Israel
Author: Talia Einhorn
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
Total Pages: 616
Release: 2022-09-20
Genre: Law
ISBN: 9403547154

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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to the law applied to cases involving cross border issues in Israel. It offers every lawyer dealing with questions of conflict of laws much-needed access to these conflict rules, presented clearly and concisely by a local expert. Beginning with a general introduction, the monograph goes on to discuss the choice of law technique, sources of private international law, and the relevant connection with other laws. Then follows clear description and analysis of the rules of choice of law on natural and legal persons, contractual and non-contractual obligations, movable and immovable property, intangible property rights, company law, family law (marriage, cohabitation, registered partnerships, matrimonial property, maintenance, child law), and succession law (including testamentary dispositions). The presentation concludes with an overview of relevant civil procedure, examining lex fori and issues of national and international jurisdiction, acceptability and enforcement of foreign judgements, and international arbitration. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for lawyers handling cases in Israel. Academics and researchers, as well as judges, notaries public, marriage registrars, youth welfare officers, teachers, students, and local and public authorities will welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value in the study of private international law from a comparative perspective.

Private International Law and Global Governance

Private International Law and Global Governance
Author: Horatia Muir Watt
Publisher: OUP Oxford
Total Pages: 488
Release: 2014-12-18
Genre: Law
ISBN: 0191043389

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Contemporary debates about the changing nature of law engage theories of legal pluralism, political economy, social systems, international relations (or regime theory), global constitutionalism, and public international law. Such debates reveal a variety of emerging responses to distributional issues which arise beyond the Western welfare state and new conceptions of private transnational authority. However, private international law tends to stand aloof, claiming process-based neutrality or the apolitical nature of private law technique and refusing to recognize frontiers beyond than those of the nation-state. As a result, the discipline is paradoxically ill-equipped to deal with the most significant cross-border legal difficulties - from immigration to private financial regulation - which might have been expected to fall within its remit. Contributing little to the governance of transnational non-state power, it is largely complicit in its unhampered expansion. This is all the more a paradox given that the new thinking from other fields which seek to fill the void - theories of legal pluralism, peer networks, transnational substantive rules, privatized dispute resolution, and regime collision - have long been part of the daily fare of the conflict of laws. The crucial issue now is whether private international law can, or indeed should, survive as a discipline. This volume lays the foundations for a critical approach to private international law in the global era. While the governance of global issues such as health, climate, and finance clearly implicates the law, and particularly international law, its private law dimension is generally invisible. This book develops the idea that the liberal divide between public and private international law has enabled the unregulated expansion of transnational private power in these various fields. It explores the potential of private international law to reassert a significant governance function in respect of new forms of authority beyond the state. To do so, it must shed a number of assumptions entrenched in the culture of the nation-state, but this will permit the discipline to expand its potential to confront major issues in global governance.

Conflicts in a Conflict

Conflicts in a Conflict
Author: Michael Karayanni
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 304
Release: 2014-04-30
Genre: Law
ISBN: 0199366462

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Conflicts in a Conflict outlines and analyzes the legal doctrines instructing the Israeli courts in private and civil disputes involving the Occupied Palestinian Territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, since 1967 until the present day. In doing so, author, Michael Karayanni sheds light on a whole sphere of legal designs and norms that have not received any thorough scholarly attention, as most of the writings thus far have been on issues pertaining to international law, human rights, history, and politics. For the most part, Israeli courts turned to conflict of laws, or private international law to address private disputes implicating the Palestinian Territories. After making a thorough investigation into the jurisdictional designs of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, both before and after the Oslo Peace Accords, Conflicts in a Conflict comes to focus on traditional topics such as adjudicative jurisdiction, choice of law, and recognitions and enforcement of judgments. Related issues such as the foreign sovereign immunity claim of the Palestinian Authority before Israeli courts as well as the extent to which Palestinian plaintiffs were granted access to justice rights, are also outlined and analyzed. This book's compelling thesis is the existence of a close relationship between conflict of laws doctrines as they developed over the years and Israeli policies generally in respect of the Palestinian Territories. This study of the conflict of laws in a war setting and conflict of laws in a jurisdictionally ambiguous location, will greatly serve scholars and practitioners in similarly troubled and complex legal situations elsewhere.

Developments in Austrian and Israeli Private Law

Developments in Austrian and Israeli Private Law
Author: Herbert Hausmaninger
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 303
Release: 1999-08-17
Genre: Law
ISBN: 9783211833896

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ThepresentcollectionofessaysisthefruitoftwosymposiumsofAustrian andIsraelischolars,thefirstofwhichwasheldinJerusalemandRamatGanin December1997,thesecondinViennainOctober1998. Thesemeetingstook placewithintheframeworkofapartnershipbetweentheHebrewUniversityof JerusalemandtheUniversityofVienna. Theypermittedastimulating comparativediscussionofinterestingquestionsinmajorfieldsofprivatelaw, suchascontracts,torts,familyandinheritancelaw. The21contributionstothisvolumeaddressimportantlegalissuesfrom differentperspectives. Theyinclude,ontheonehand,historicalresearch reachingbackintoBiblicalandotherAncientNearEastern,aswellas Talmudiclaw,andRomanlawasthefoundationofmodemEuropeanlegal systemsontheotherhand. Theydiscusscontemporaryproblems,mostof whicharenotconfinedtoaparticularnationallegalsystem;andtheyaddress questionsoflawreforminaEuropeanandglobalcontext. Theeditorsofthecollectionwishtothankanumberofinstitutionsand personswhohavemadethispublicationpossible. Financialsupportwasgiven bytheAustrianMinistryofScienceandTransport,bytheAssociationof FriendsoftheUniversityofViennaLawSchool,bytheRamatGanLaw College(whichalsoparticipatedinthesymposiums)andbytheHarryand MichaelSacherInstituteofLegislativeResearchandComparativeLaw,The Hebrew UniversityofJerusalem. Editorial supervision for the Israeli contributionswasprovidedbyProf. AlfredoMordechaiRabelIoandProf. IsraelGilead. OntheAustrianside,ProfessorsHerbertHausmaningerand HelmutKoziolsharedthistask. MichaelB. Dunn,HerbertHausmaninger's researchassistantattheCornellLawSchool,improvedEnglishlanguageand styleoftheAustriancontributions. Dr. RichardGamauf,Mag. VerenaHaas andMagretAItrichteroftheInstituteofRomanLawintheUniversityof Viennaprovidededitorialassistanceandauniformlayoutfortheentirepubli cation. Vienna,JerusalemandRamatGan June1999 Table ofContents ListofContributors IX Contract Law Berachyahu Lifshitz TheOriginsofObligationsAccordingtoJewishLaw . . Franz Bydlinski A"FlexibleSystem"ApproachtoContractLaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Franz Bydlinski MistakeinAustrianPrivateLawViewedinTermsofa"Flexible System"Approach 21 Renee Sanilevici Force MajeureandFrustrationofContractinIsraeliLaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Attila Fenyves TheInfluenceofChangedCircumstancesonContractsofLong Duration 59 Ricardo Ben-Oliel PaymentsbyBankingTransfersinPracticeandinLegalTheory 81 Daniel Friedman RestitutionofBenefitsGainedbyBreachofContract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 TortLaw Reuven Yaron WrongfulActsandReducedSanctions:AComparativeSurvey . . 103 Herbert Hausmaninger RomanTortLawintheAustrianCivilCodeof1811 . 113 Herbert Hausmaninger TheThirdPartialAmendment(1916)totheAustrianCivilCodeof 1811anditsInfluenceonTortLaw . 137 Helmut Koziol CharacteristicFeaturesofAustrianTortLaw . . 159 Helmut Koziol ProblemsofAlternativeCausationinTortLaw . 177 Israel Gilead Causation,Riskand"EvidentialLoss" inIsraeliTortLaw . 187 VIII TableofContents Israel Gilead TheLimitsofTortLiabilityinNegligenceandPureEconomicLoss. . . 197 Family and Inheritance Law Gideon Libson LegalStatusoftheJewishWomanintheGaonicPeriod:Muslim Influence-OvertandCovert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Pinhas Shifman TheStatusofWomeninIsraeliFamilyLaw:TheCaseforRefonn. . . . . . 245 Wolfgang Zankl RecentDevelopmentsinAustrianInheritanceLaw:Comparedto IsraeliLaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Wolfgang Zankl RightofSuccessionoftheSpouseandtheRelatives-AComparative Analysis 255 Shmuel Shilo RightsofSuccession:SpouseversusRelativesinIsraeliLaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Alfredo Mordechai Rabello OnGiftsandtheDayofDeath:Section8(b)oftheIsraeliSuccession Law5725-1965andtheDistinctionbetweenGifts inter vivosandGifts mortis causa 267 Codification Alfredo Mordechai Rabello WorkingTowardstheCodificationofIsraeliPrivateLaw:Between CommonandCivilLaw. . . . . . . . 291 List ofContributors Ricardo Ben-Oliel,Dr. Jur. (Jerusalem),AssociateProfessor,FacultyofLaw, UniversityofHaifa Franz Bydlinski,Dr. jur. (Graz),Dr. jur. h. . ~. (Salzburg;Munich),Professorof Law,UniversityofVienna;Member,OsterreichischeAkademiederWis senschaften;CorrespondingMember,AkademiederWissenschaftenzu GottingenandofthePolishAcademyofSciencesinCracow At/ita Fenyves,Dr. jur. (Graz),ProfessorofLaw,UniversityofVienna Daniel Friedmann,M. Jur. ,LL. M. ,Dr. Jur. ,ProfessorofLaw,TelAviv University;Member,IsraelAcademyofSciencesandHumanities Israel Gilead. LL. B. ,LL. D. ,BoraLaskinAssociateProfessorofTorts,The HebrewUniversityofJerusalem;RamatGanLawCollege Herbert Hausmaninger,Dr. jur. (Graz),ProfessorofLaw,Universityof Vienna;JohnA. EwaldDistinguishedVisitingProfessorofLaw,Univer sityofVirginia Helmut Koziol,Dr. jur. (Gr~z),ProfessorofLaw,UniversityofVienna; CorrespondingMember,OsterreichischeAkademiederWissenschaften; Director,EuropeanCenterofTortandInsuranceLaw Gideon Libson. LL. B,LL. M. ,Dr. Jur. ,FriedaandSolomonB.

Israel on Trial

Israel on Trial
Author: Matthijs de Blois
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2018-06
Genre: Arab-Israeli conflict
ISBN: 9781727518368

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In 2018, the State of Israel turned 70, but it has never been fully accepted as a member of the international community. Notwithstanding peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, conflict between Israel and some of its neighbors in the region is looming. And peace between Israel and the Palestinians seems as far away as ever. Why?Since the 1970's, the idea has developed that international law requires resolution of the Arab/Israeli conflict by creating a State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, and borders based on the "1967 lines" - the so-called "two-state solution". Israeli settlements are regarded by many as illegal and an impediment to this solution.This book reviews international law regarding self-determination, statehood, territorial sovereignty, human rights and the right to self-defense. It argues that the two-state solution as defined by the UN is not required by international law.The authors examine how international law has been used and misused over the last century with regard to the Arab/Israeli conflict. They argue that the historical context of the creation of the State of Israel, especially the Mandate for Palestine, is too often ignored.The Arab states, the Palestinian leadership and the European Union have all played a role in enabling the UN to become a platform for lawfare against Israel: policies and resolutions that use the language of international law but, in fact, undermine the existence of the Jewish State and have disputable basis in international law. Lawfare is problematic because it undermines the international legal order itself.It is time to revisit the prevailing legal paradigm to resolve the conflict. This book aims to provide a legal framework for the exploration of alternative policy solutions that balance the rights of the Jewish State of Israel to territorial integrity, security and political independence with the rights of Palestinian Arabs to political autonomy, and economic and social advancement.

New Political Entities in Public and Private International Law

New Political Entities in Public and Private International Law
Author: Amos Shapira
Publisher: BRILL
Total Pages: 442
Release: 1999-03-01
Genre: Law
ISBN: 9004639810

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New political entities usually come into being in the midst of political wrangling, often accompanied by security problems and, not infrequently, violence. This book, taking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as its starting point, goes on to deal with the general problems of new entities, including such core concepts as sovereignty, autonomy and legal personality. In exploring human rights issues, the complex notions of nationality and minority rights are examined. On a more practical level, several authors inquire into issues of legal assistance in civil and criminal matters, security arrangements, fiscal and monetary policies, foreign investment guarantees, economic privatization, and transboundary water pollution. On many of these topics, German and European legal experience is introduced to shed a useful comparative light. Altogether, this volume represents an attempt to provide a primer for those responsible for, or interested in, the various aspects of new political entities at the end of the second millennium.

Foreign Judgments in Israel

Foreign Judgments in Israel
Author: Haggai Carmon
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 256
Release: 2012-12-11
Genre: Law
ISBN: 3642320031

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A judgment in a civil matter rendered in a foreign country is not automatically recognized in Israel. Before a judgment will be recognized or enforced, it must first undergo a domestic integration process. A declaration that a foreign judgment is enforceable in Israel is dependent upon its meeting certain conditions specified by statute, irrespective of whether recognition of the foreign judgment is indirect or direct. These conditions serve as the main route for giving validity to foreign in rem judgments and to personal status judgments, which cannot otherwise be enforced; recognition of a judgment as enforceable, however, enables it to be executed. The book integrates lucid, theoretical analysis of the issues of enforcement and recognition of foreign judgments with practical instructions. It thus serves as a valuable guide for anyone seeking answers to the questions examined in the book, whether in the context of international commerce or to resolve transnational legal disputes. Despite the complexity of the questions addressed in the book, they are given accurate and easily understandable answers. Haggai Carmon’s book grapples with the range of issues arising from the recognition of foreign judgments and their enforcement, i.e., the declaration that they are enforceable judgments. The book thoroughly and methodically examines these issues...Haggai Carmon has outstanding expertise in international law. He has a breadth of legal knowledge and extensive experience in both the theoretical and practical aspects of both private and public international law. He serves as legal counsel to commercial entities as well as foreign governmental agencies; amongst others, he is an outside legal counsel to the government of the United States. As this text reflects, Haggai Carmon is also a first-rate scholar and he shares his knowledge in a style that is suitable to every reader. -Eliezer Rivlin, Deputy Chief Justice, the Israel Supreme Court

International Law and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

International Law and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Author: Robbie Sabel
Total Pages:
Release: 2022
Genre: Arab-Israeli conflict
ISBN: 9781108762670

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"It is, I believe, legitimate to ask whether there is a substantial role for international law in international relations in general and in the Arab-Israel conflict in particular. The Arab-Israel conflict is a conflict rooted in historical, national, geographic, ethnic and religious elements, and the actors rarely consult international law books before taking action. In the opening chapter of the book, I attempt to answer this question by stating that, although international law is not a dominant factor, nevertheless, it has played a major and, at times, a crucial part in the development of the narratives of the parties and in attempts to solve the disputes. Another problem is that some politicians feel that law is an inhibiting factor."--

International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Author: Susan M. Akram
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 353
Release: 2010-12-23
Genre: Architecture
ISBN: 1136850988

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Placing a rights-based approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the centre of discussions over its peaceful resolution, this book provides detailed consideration of international law and its application to political issues. Contributions from leading scholars in their respective fields give an in-depth analysis of key issues, ranging from security, through legal and political frameworks to refugees and Jerusalem.

Jewish and Israeli Law - An Introduction

Jewish and Israeli Law - An Introduction
Author: Shimon Shetreet
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
Total Pages: 614
Release: 2017-05-08
Genre: Law
ISBN: 3110387026

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This book provides a concise introduction to the basics of Jewish law. It gives a detailed analysis of contemporary public and private law in the State of Israel, as well as Israel’s legal culture, its system of government, and the roles of its democratic institutions: the executive, parliament, and judiciary. The book examines issues of Holocaust, law and religion, constitutionalization, and equality. It is the ultimate book for anyone interested in Israeli Law and its politics. Authors Shimon Shetreet is the Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. He is the President of the International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace and heads the International Project of Judicial Independence. In 2008, the Mt. Scopus Standards of Judicial Independence were issued under his leadership. Between 1988 and 1996, Professor Shetreet served as a member of the Israeli Parliament, and was a cabinet minister under Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. He was senior deputy mayor of Jerusalem between 1999 and 2003. He was a Judge of the Standard Contract Court and served as a member of the Chief Justice Landau Commission on the Israeli Court System. The author and editor of many books on the judiciary, Professor Shetreet is a member of the Royal Academy of Science and Arts of Belgium. Rabbi Walter Homolka PhD (King’s College London, 1992), PhD (University of Wales Trinity St. David, 2015), DHL (Hebrew Union College, New York, 2009), is a full professor of Modern Jewish Thought and the executive director of the School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam (Germany). The rector of the Abraham Geiger College (since 2003) is Chairman of the Leo Baeck Foundation and of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Scholarship Foundation in Potsdam. In addition, he has served as the executive director of the Masorti Zacharias Frankel College since 2013.The author of "Jüdisches Eherecht" and other publications on Jewish Law holds several distinctions: among them the Knight Commander’s Cross of the Austrian Merit Order and the 1st Class Federal Merit Order of Germany. In 2004, President Jacques Chirac admitted Rabbi Homolka to the French Legion of Honor.