Ramón Llull

Ramón Llull
Author: Lola Badia
Total Pages: 256
Release: 1993
Genre: Philosophers

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Vida y obra de Ramón Llull

Vida y obra de Ramón Llull
Author: Joaquín Xirau
Publisher: Fondo de Cultura Economica
Total Pages: 217
Release: 2012-02-02
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 6071609135

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La ingeniería ha transformado el mundo durante siglos, por iniciativa de la sociedad o con su anuencia tácita. Sus creaciones han sido la clave para resolver innumerables problemas y cubrir múltiples necesidades de la humanidad, pero sus obras también suelen tener repercusiones negativas -casi siempre diferidas y a veces imprevistas- sobre el entorno natural y social. La obra está dirigida a los interesados en que esta creativa profesión continúe con el propósito de satisfacer nuestras necesidades y que las repercusiones negativas sean cada vez menores. En este sentido es que el autor busca contribuir a que los lectores dispongan de la información suficiente sobre cómo opera esta profesión.

Ramon Llull's New Rhetoric

Ramon Llull's New Rhetoric
Author: Mark D. Johnston
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 204
Release: 2020-08-13
Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines
ISBN: 1000149153

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Modern histories of medieval culture often assert without qualification that the oral exercise of public eloquence during the European Middle Ages was limited to preaching by the clergy. The classical art of rhetoric supposedly survived only as a written subject for study in the schools. During the past thirty years, however, knowledge of medieval rhetorical theory and practice has grown tremendously. Historians and philologians have devoted particular attention to the relationship between oral and written communication in medieval Europe. Their investigations are beginning to suggest -- not surprisingly -- that interest in eloquence was not confined to the schools or clergy. Secular officials arguing in princely courts or town halls, and laypeople seeking to develop their learning or piety also cultivated an interest in rhetoric. Given the paucity of testimony available, the New Rhetoric of the Mallorcan lay theologian and philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316) offers an exceptional witness to the non-academic and non-clerical concern for eloquence. His proposals for new Christian arts of communication are among the best evidence available for assessing the diffusion of rhetorical doctrines from the cloisters and schools into the courts, town halls, and private chapels of Western Europe around 1300. Growing interest in Llull's work and in medieval rhetoric have combined to produce this first published edition. The first part on order shows how Llull's entire program attempts to correlate ethical, metaphysical, and linguistic categories into a single system of Anselmian "rightness." The next section on beauty could almost form a complete art of preaching in itself, thanks to the brief compilations of sermon material that it includes. The broad range of discursive elements and techniques in which Llull seeks verbal beauty makes this section very eclectic in scope. Part three on knowledge attempts to explain the diffusion of right linguistic and rhetorical doctrine almost exclusively through the Divine Dignities and other categories of the Great Art. The final section on love consists of ten proverbs regarding loving speech, each explicated with an appropriate exemplum.

Obras De Ramon Llull

Obras De Ramon Llull
Author: Ramon Llull
Total Pages:

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Ramon Llull: vida i obres

Ramon Llull: vida i obres
Author: Villalba i Varneda, Pere
Publisher: Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Total Pages: 1010
Release: 2015-08-25
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 849965259X

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Amb motiu del setè centenari de la mort de Ramon Llull (1232-1316), un dels màxims exponents de la cultura i el pensament a Europa, l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) i la Fundació Elsa Peretti publicaran l’estudi Ramon Llull. Vida i obres, de Pere Villalba, col·laborador del Raimundus Lullus Institut. Es tracta d’una obra de síntesi d’alta divulgació, resultat d’anys de recerca, que té l’objectiu de fer més accessibles els darrers cent cinquanta anys d’investigació global sobre la persona, el pensament i les obres de l’intel·lectual mallorquí. L’estudi consistirà en tres volums de més de mil pàgines cadascun i, per ara, se n’ha enllestit el primer. Abraça el període del 1232 al 1288, i analitza els números de l’1 al 32 de les obres del catàleg lul·lià; entre les quals hi ha el colossal Llibre de contemplació en Déu. Ramon Llull. Vida i obres exposa la vida de Ramon Llull i el treball intel·lectual que va dur a terme, presenta les diverses etapes biogràfiques del personatge i insereix, en cada període, l’anàlisi de l’obra o les obres que escriu. L’estudi consisteix en tres volums. Després d’aquest primer, hi haurà un segon volum, pràcticament enllestit, dedicat al període 1289-1311. El segon volum se centra en les cent cinquanta-quatre obres que segueixen les analitzades en el volum anterior. El tercer volum comprendrà del 1312 al 1316 i analitzarà les vuitanta-cinc obres restants. En l’elaboració de l’estudi, Villalba ha tingut en compte totes les fonts disponibles: la Vita coetanea, una espècie d’autobiografia; les dues-centes quaranta-quatre obres autèntiques de Llull que s’han conservat, i els més de cent documents familiars, personals i col·laterals que informen sobre la seva vida. Ha tingut presents, també, tota la bibliografia anterior i el context històric i doctrinal en el qual es mou Llull. En analitzar cada obra de Llull, Villalba en dóna textos en català, tradueix textos en llatí i els comenta. Ateses la complexitat i l’originalitat de l’obra lul·liana, especialment pel que fa als mètodes lògics que utilitzava, Villalba reprodueix, analitza i fa funcionar la maquinària lul·liana: les escales, les lletres, les figures, les cambres, amb els principis, les definicions, els abecedaris, les combinacions i les qüestions, és a dir, tota l’artilleria del sistema universal de pensar que inventa Llull. Això l’ha obligat a idear un llibre amb recursos gràfics complexos, com ara l’ús de tintes de color, de manera que és una obra atractiva i al mateix temps de maneig no simple.

The Art and Logic of Ramon Llull

The Art and Logic of Ramon Llull
Author: Anthony Bonner
Publisher: BRILL
Total Pages: 362
Release: 2007-12-31
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9047431928

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Ramon Llull (ca. 1232–1316), mystic, missionary, philosopher, lay theologian, and one of the founding fathers of Catalan literature, was chiefly known in his own time and in subsequent generations as the inventor of a combinatorial, semi-mechanical method of demonstration, which he called his ‘Art’ and which he had developed to free interreligious debate from its fruitless textual base. Most of the extensive modern literature has been dedicated to mapping the foundations of Llull’s system, with little attempt to see how he used and combined these foundations to produce actual demonstrations. This book, in a series of explications de textes, tries to explain what kind of demonstrative systems he developed during the two main stages of the ‘Art’, how they finally evolved into an adaptation of key aspects of medieval Aristotelian logic, and why the ‘Art’ was central to all Llull’s endeavors.

A Companion to Ramon Llull and Llullism

A Companion to Ramon Llull and Llullism
Publisher: BRILL
Total Pages: 583
Release: 2018-10-16
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9004379673

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A Companion to Ramon Llull and Lullism offers a comprehensive survey of the work of the Majorcan lay theologian and philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316) and of its influence in late medieval, Renaissance, and early modern Europe, as well as in the Spanish colonies of the New World. Llull’s unique system of philosophy and theology, the “Great Universal Art,” was widely studied and admired from the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. His evangelizing ideals and methods inspired centuries of Christian missionaries. His many writings in Catalan, his native vernacular, remain major monuments in the literary history of Catalonia. Contributors are: Roberta Albrecht, José Aragüés Aldaz, Linda Báez Rubí, Josep Batalla, Pamela Beattie, Henry Berlin, John Dagenais, Mary Franklin-Brown, Alexander Ibarz, Annemarie C. Mayer, Rafael Ramis Barceló, Josep E. Rubio, and Gregory B. Stone.

Ramon Llull in the Biblioteca de Catalunya

Ramon Llull in the Biblioteca de Catalunya
Author: Joan Santanach
Publisher: ohDigital
Total Pages: 199
Release: 2020-02-04
Genre: Antiques & Collectibles

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The Biblioteca de Catalunya and the Ministry of Culture of the Catalan Government are delighted to announce publication of the work Ramon Llull in the Biblioteca de Catalunya, now translated into English thanks to funding from the Ramon Llull Institute. This e-book introduces us to one of the most universal Catalan thinkers of all time. The e-book includes interviews - conducted by Joan Santanach - with various scholars: Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Amador Vega and Albert Soler, with a further contribution from Ricard Torrents, leading expert on Jacint Verdaguer. The book is complemented by readings of extracts from Llull’s texts by the aforementioned scholars and with a musical reconstruction by Antoni Rossell. The texts, by Joan Santanach, help to illustrate a number of different facets of Ramon Llull, as well as presenting a selection of the most significant manuscripts and printed books held in the Biblioteca de Catalunya. The e-book includes an updated bibliographic section. The book is free to access in EPUB format for iOS, Android and .PDF format for computer. The work is subject to a Creative Commons licence.

Obras de Ramón Llull

Obras de Ramón Llull
Author: Ramon Llull
Total Pages: 522
Release: 1901

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