Coatings and Thin-Film Technologies

Coatings and Thin-Film Technologies
Author: Jaime Andres Perez Taborda
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 288
Release: 2019-01-03
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 1789848709

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The field of coatings and thin-film technologies is rapidly advancing to keep up with new uses for semiconductor, optical, tribological, thermoelectric, solar, security, and smart sensing applications, among others. In this sense, thin-film coatings and structures are increasingly sophisticated with more specific properties, new geometries, large areas, the use of heterogeneous materials and flexible and rigid coating substrates to produce thin-film structures with improved performance and properties in response to new challenges that the industry presents. This book aims to provide the reader with a complete overview of the current state of applications and developments in thin-film technology, discussing applications, health and safety in thin films, and presenting reviews and experimental results of recognized experts in the area of coatings and thin-film technologies.

Ti-Al-N-Based Hard Coatings

Ti-Al-N-Based Hard Coatings
Author: Florent Uny
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2019
Genre: Electronic books

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For several decades, the increasing productivity in many industrial domains has led to a significant and ever-increased interest to protective and hard coatings. In this context, titanium-aluminum nitrides were developed and are now widely used in a large range of applications, due to their high hardness, good thermal stability, and oxidation resistance. This chapter reviews the thermodynamical characteristics of the Ti-Al-N system by reporting the progress made in the description of the Ti-Al-N phase diagram and the main mechanical and chemical properties of Ti1,àíxAlxN-based coatings. As a metastable phase, the existence of the fcc-Ti1,àíxAlxN depends on particular process parameters, allowing stabilizing this desirable solid solution. The influence of process parameters, with a particular interest for chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods, on morphology and crystallographic structure is then described. The structure of Ti1,àíxAlxN thin films depends also on the aluminum content as well as on the annealing temperature, due to the spinodal nature of the Ti-Al-N system. These changes of crystallographic structure can induce an improvement of the hardness, oxidation resistance, and wear behavior of these coatings. The main mechanical and chemical properties of physical vapor deposition (PVD) and CVD Ti1,àíxAlxN-based coatings are also described.

Phase stability and defect structures in (Ti,Al)N hard coatings

Phase stability and defect structures in (Ti,Al)N hard coatings
Author: Katherine M. Calamba
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 49
Release: 2019-05-27
ISBN: 9176850412

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This study highlights the role of nitrogen vacancies and defect structures in engineering hard coatings with enhanced phase stability and mechanical properties for high temperature applications. Titanium aluminum nitride (Ti,Al)N based materials in the form of thin coatings has remained as an outstanding choice for protection of metal cutting tools due to its superior oxidation resistance and high-temperature wear resistance. High-temperature spinodal decomposition of metastable (Ti,Al)N into coherent c-TiN and c-AlN nm-sized domains results in high hardness at elevated temperatures. Even higher thermal input leads to transformation of c-AlN to w-AlN, which is detrimental to the mechanical properties of the coating. One mean to delay this transformation is to introduce nitrogen vacancies. In this thesis, I show that by combining a reduction of the overall N-content of the c-(Ti,Al)Ny (y < 1) coating with a low substrate bias voltage during cathodic arc deposition an even more pronounced delay of the c-AlN to w-AlN phase transformation is achieved. Under such condition, age hardening is retained until 1100 ?C, which is the highest temperature reported for (Ti,Al)N films. During cutting operations, the wear mechanism of the cathodicarc-deposited c-(Ti0.52Al0.48)Ny with N-contents of y = 0.92, 0.87, and 0.75 films are influenced by the interplay of nitrogen vacancies, microstructure, and chemical reactions with the workpiece material. The y = 0.75 coating contains the highest number of macroparticles and has an inhomogeneous microstructure after machining, which lower its flank and crater wear resistance. Age hardening of the y = 0.92 sample causes its superior flank wear resistance while the dense structure of the y = 0.87 sample prevents chemical wear that results in excellent crater wear resistance. Heteroepitaxial c-(Ti1-x,Alx)Ny (y = 0.92, 0.79, and0.67) films were grown on MgO(001) and (111) substrates using magnetron putter deposition to examine the details of their defect structures during spinodal decomposition. At 900 ?C, the films decompose to form coherent c-AlN- and c-TiN- rich domains with elongated shape along the elastically soft <001> direction. Deformation maps show that most strains occur near the interface of the segregated domains and inside the c-TiN domains. Dislocations favorably aggregate in c-TiN rather than c-AlN because the later has stronger directionality of covalent chemical bonds. At elevated temperature, the domain size of (001) and (111)- oriented c-(Ti,Al)Ny films increases with the nitrogen content. This indicates that there is a delay in coarsening due to the presence of more N vacancies in the film. The structural and functional properties (Ti1-x,Alx)Ny are also influenced by its Al content (x). TiN and (Ti1-x,Alx)Ny (y = 1, x = 0.63 and x = 0.77) thin films were grown on MgO(111) substrates using magnetron sputtering technique. Both TiN and Ti0.27Al0.63N films are single crystals with cubic structure. (Ti0.23,Al0.77)N film has epitaxial cubic structure only in the first few atomic layers then it transitions to an epitaxial wurtzite layer, with an orientation relationship of c-(Ti0.23,Al0.77)N(111)[1-10]??w-(Ti0.23,Al0.77)N(0001)[11-20]. The w-(Ti0.23,Al0.77)N shows phase separation of coherent nm-sized domains with varying chemical composition during growth. After annealing at high temperature, the domains in w-(Ti0.23,Al0.77)N have coarsened. The domains in w-(Ti0.23,Al0.77)N are smaller compared to the domains in c-(Ti0.27,Al0.63)N film that has undergone spinodal decomposition. The results that emerged from this thesis are of great importance in the cutting tool industry and also in the microelectronics industry, because the layers examined have properties that are well suited for diffusion barriers.

Mechanical and thermal stability of hard nitride coatings

Mechanical and thermal stability of hard nitride coatings
Author: Yu-Hsiang Chen
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 55
Release: 2018-05-15
ISBN: 917685325X

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Hard coating’s thermal stability is essential due to the high temperature environment of high-speed cutting applications, while the phase and microstructure evolution induced by exposing the coating to high temperature affects the mechanical properties. In this thesis, the mechanical stability of arc-evaporated, hard, transition metal nitride coatings annealed at high temperature is analyzed and related to the phase and microstructure evolution. In addition to hardness, fracture toughness is evaluated by surface and cross-sectional investigations by scanning/transmission electron microscopy of damage events following mechanical tests. The crack resistance of Ti1?xAlxN with a range of Al content (x = 0.23-0.82) was studied by contact fatigue tests, where the differences in the microstructure were found to play a major role. Superior mechanical properties were found in Ti0.63Al0.37N; in the as-deposited state as a result of a favorable grain size, and after annealing at 900o C due to the microstructure formed during spinodal decomposition. The mechanical and high-temperature properties of hard coatings can be enhanced by alloying or multi-layering. Within this work, quaternary Ti-Al-X-N (X = Cr, Nb and V) alloys were studied and superior toughness was found for TiAl(Nb)N in both the as-deposited and annealed (1100? C) states. The hexagonal (h)-AlN formation in cubic (c)-TixAl0.37Cr1?0.37?xN (x = 0.03 and 0.16) was analyzed by in-situ x-ray scattering during annealing. The energy for h-AlN formation was found to be dependent on the microstructure evolution during annealing, which varies with the coating composition. High Al content h-ZrAlN/c-TiN and h-ZrAlN/c-ZrN multilayers were investigated through scratch tests followed by focused ion-beam analysis of the crack propagation. A c-Ti(Zr)N phase forms in h-ZrAlN/c-TiN multilayers at high temperatures and that contributes to enhanced hardness and fracture toughness by keeping the semi-coherent sub-interfaces. Finally, an in-situ analysis of coatings by x-ray scattering during a turning process was carried out. It demonstrates the possibility of observation of stress evolution and thermal expansion of the coatings or the work piece material during machining. This experiment provides real-time information on the coating behavior during cutting. Hårda skikts högtemperaturstabilitet är viktig på grund av den höga temperaturskikten utsätts för under skärande bearbetning, och den utveckling av faser och mikrostruktur som då sker påverkar skiktets mekaniska egenskaper. I den här avhandlingen har den mekaniska stabiliteten hos arcförångade, hårda metallnitridskikt som värmebehandlats vid höga temperaturer studerats. Förutom hårdhet har även skiktens seghet utvärderats genom yt- och tvärsnittsstudier av den sprickbildning som uppstår vid mekanisk provning med hjälp av svep- och transmissionselektronmikroskopi. Segheten hos Ti1?xAlxN skikt med varierande Al-halt (x = 0.23-0.82) studerades genom utmattningsprovning och resultaten visar att förändringar i mikrostrukturen spelar en stor roll. Ti0.63Al0.37N skikten hade överlägsna mekaniska egenskaper; på grund av en fördelaktig kornstorlek i de obehandlade skikten och efter värmebehandling som ett resultat av det spinodala sönderfall som skett. De mekaniska egenskaperna och högtemperaturegenskaperna hos hårda skikt kan förbättras genom legering eller genom multilagring. I den här avhandlingen har kvarternära Ti-Al-X-N (X = Cr, Nb eller V) skikt studerats och TiAl(Nb)N skikten hade en överlägsen seghet i både obehandlat och värmebehandlat (1100oC) tillstånd. Bildandet av h-AlN i TixAl0.37Cr1?0.37?xN (x = 0.03 and 0.16) skikt studerades genom in situ röntgenspridning under värmebehandling. Den energi som krävs för att bilda h-AlN beror av mikrostrukturutvecklingen under värmebehandling vilken i sin tur beror av skiktens kemiska sammansättning. h-ZrAlN/c-TiN och h-ZrAlN/c-ZrN multilager med hög Al-halt undersöktes genom reptester följda av tvärsnittsstudier av sprickbildningen genom en analys med en fokuserad jonstråle (FIB). En c-Ti(Zr)N fas bildas vid höga temperaturer i h-ZrAlN/c-TiN multilagren och det bidrar till förhöjd hårdhet och förbättrad seghet på grund av en bibehållen koherens mellan lagren. Slutligen har in situ röntgenspridningsstudier av ytskikt utförts vid svarvning. Studien visar på möjligheten att observera spänning och värmeutvidgning av skikten eller arbetsmaterialet under bearbetning. Experimenten ger information om skiktens beteende under bearbetning i realtid. La estabilidad térmica del recubrimiento es esencial debido a que estos recubrimientos durante su aplicación son utilizados a elevada temperatura y a alta velocidad. Durante dicho proceso, la evolución microestructural afecta a las propiedades mecánicas. En dicha tesis, la estabilidad mecánica de los recubimientos duros base nitruro producidos mediante arco y recocidos a elevada temperatura son analizados y se correlacionado con su transformación de fase. La dureza, la resistencia a la fractura son evaluados mediante la observación tanto superficial como transversal mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido. La resistencia a la propagación de grieta de Ti1?xAlxN con un contenido en Al que fluctúa entre 0.23-0.82 se estudia mediante ensayos de fatiga por contacto, donde la diferencia microstructural juega un papel importante. Las mejores propiedades mecánicas se encentran en las muestras con un 0.63 de Ti donde se ha realizado un proceso de recocido a 900o C debido a la descomposición espinoidal. Las características mecánicas y de alta temperatura de recubrimientos duros pueden ser mejoradas si tenemos un recubrimiento multicapa. Aleaciones cuaternarias de Ti-Al-X-N (X = Cr, Nb y V) son estudiada, y una mejor tenacidad de fractura se encuentra para la muestra TiAl(Nb)N sin tratamiento de recocido como recocida a 1000ºC. La formación del AlN con una estructura hexagonal en la muestra TixAl0.37Cr1?0.37?xN (x = 0.03 y 0.16) son analizadas mediante ensayos in-situ de difracción de rayos X durante el proceso de recocido. Cabe mencionar que la energía cinética para la formación de la AlN con una estructura hexagonal depende del proceso de recocido, la cual hace variar la composición química del recubrimiento. Multicapas de h (hexagonal)-ZrAlN/c (cúbica)-TiN con un elevado contenido de Al son estudiadas mediante ensayos de rayado y la generación de daño es observado mediante la técnica del haz de iones focalizados. Las formas de la fase de c-Ti(Zr)N en las multicapas de (h)-ZrAlN/c-TiN formadas a elevadas temperaturas contribuyen a mejorar la dureza y la tenacidad de fractura manteniendo la semicoherencia en las intercaras entre cada capa. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis in-situ de los diferentes recubrimientos me diante dispersión de rayos X durante un proceso de torneado. En este caso, se demuestra la posibilidad de observar la evolución de las tensiones residuales y de la expansión térmica durante el proceso de conformado. Dicho experimentos proporciona información en tiempo real sobre el comportamiento del recubrimiento en condiciones de servicio.

Deformation-mechanism Maps

Deformation-mechanism Maps
Author: H. J. Frost
Publisher: Pergamon
Total Pages: 184
Release: 1982
Genre: Science

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Phase Stability and Defect Structures in (Ti1-x,Alx)Ny Hard Coatings

Phase Stability and Defect Structures in (Ti1-x,Alx)Ny Hard Coatings
Author: Katherine Calamba
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2019

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This study highlights the role of nitrogen vacancies and defect structures in engineering hard coatings with enhanced phase stability and mechanical properties for high temperature applications. Titanium aluminum nitride (Ti,Al)N based materials in the form of thin coatings has remained as an outstanding choice for protection of metal cutting tools due to its superior oxidation resistance and high-temperature wear resistance. High-temperature spinodal decomposition of metastable (Ti,Al)N into coherent c-TiN and c-AlN nm-sized domains results in high hardness at elevated temperatures. Even higher thermal input leads to transformation of c-AlN to w-AlN, which is detrimental to the mechanical properties of the coating. One mean to delay this transformation is to introduce nitrogen vacancies. In this thesis, I show that by combining a reduction of the overall N-content of the c-(Ti,Al)Ny (y 1) coating with a low substrate bias voltage during cathodic arc deposition an even more pronounced delay of the c-AlN to w-AlN phase transformation is achieved. Under such condition, age hardening is retained until 1100 °C, which is the highest temperature reported for (Ti,Al)N films. During cutting operations, the wear mechanism of the cathodic-arc-deposited c-(Ti0.52Al0.48)Ny with N-contents of y = 0.92, 0.87, and 0.75 films are influenced by the interplay of nitrogen vacancies, microstructure, and chemical reactions with the workpiece material. The y = 0.75 coating contains the highest number of macroparticles and has an inhomogeneous microstructure after machining, which lower its flank and crater wear resistance. Age hardening of the y = 0.92 sample causes its superior flank wear resistance while the dense structure of the y = 0.87 sample prevents chemical wear that results in excellent crater wear resistance. Heteroepitaxial c-(Ti1-x,Alx)Ny (y = 0.92, 0.79, and0.67) films were grown on MgO(001) and (111) substrates using magnetron putter deposition to examine the details of their defect structures during spinodal decomposition. At 900 °C, the films decompose to form coherent c-AlN- and c-TiN- rich domains with elongated shape along the elastically soft

Defect-engineered (Ti,Al)N thin films

Defect-engineered (Ti,Al)N thin films
Author: Isabella Citlalli Schramm Benítez
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 73
Release: 2017-10-23
ISBN: 9176854566

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This thesis investigates the effect of point defects (nitrogen vacancies and interstitials) and multilayering ((Ti,Al)N/TiN) on the phase transformations in cathodic arc-evaporated cubic (Ti,Al)N thin films at elevated temperatures. Special attention is paid to the evolution of the beneficial spinodal decomposition into c-TiN and c-AlN, the detrimental formation of wurtzite AlN and the potential application as hard coating in cutting tools. c-(Ti1-xAlx)Ny thin films with varying Al fractions and N content (y = 0.93 to 0.75) show a delay in the spinodal decomposition when increasing the amount of N vacancies. This results in a 300 °C upshift in the age hardening and a delay in the w-AlN formation, while additions of self-interstitials enhance phase separation. High temperature interaction between hard metal substrates and thin films is more pronounced when increasing N deficiency through diffusion of substrate elements into the film. Low N content films (y = 0.58 to 0.40) showed formation of additional phases such as Ti4AlN3, Ti2AlN, Al5Ti2 and Al3Ti during annealing and a transformation from Ti2AlN to Ti4AlN3 via intercalation. The multilayer structure of TiN/TiAlN results in surfacedirected spinodal decomposition that affects the decomposition behavior. Careful use of these effects appears as a promising method to improve cutting tool performance. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Effekt von Punktdefekten (Stickstoffleerstellen und Zwischengitteratome) und Multilagen ((Ti,Al)N/TiN) auf die Phasenumwandlung in lichtbogenverdampften kubischen (Ti,Al)N-Dünnschichten bei erhöhten Temperaturen. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Entwicklung der vorteilhaften spinodalen Entmischung in c-TiN und c-AlN und der nachteiligen Bildung von Wurtzit-AlN, sowie der möglichen Anwendung als Hartstoffbeschichtung von Schneidwerkzeugen. c-(Ti1-xAlx)Ny mit unterschiedlichem Al-Anteil und N-Gehalten von y = 0,93 bis 0,75 zeigt mit zunehmenden Stickstoffleerstellen eine Verzögerung der spinodalen Entmischung. Dadurch verschiebt sich die Ausscheidungshärtung um 300 °C zu höheren Temperaturen und die w-AlN-Bildung wird verzögert, während der Einbau von Eigenzwischengitteratomen die Entmischung beschleunigt. Die Hochtemperaturwechselwirkung zwischen Hartmetallsubstrat und Dünnschicht durch Diffusion von Substratelementen in die Schicht nimmt mit steigendem Stickstoffdefizit zu. Stickstoffarme Schichten (y = 0,58 bis 0,40) zeigen während der Wärmebehandlung zusätzliche Phasen wie Ti4AlN3, Ti2AlN, Al5Ti2 und Al3Ti und eine Umwandlung von Ti2AlN in Ti4AlN3 durch Interkalation. Die Multischichtstruktur von TiN/TiAlN führt zu einer oberflächengerichteten spinodalen Entmischung, die das Entmischungsverhalten beeinflusst. Ein gezielter Einsatz dieser Effekte erscheint als ein vielsprechender Weg, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Schneidwerkzeugen zu verbessern. I denna avhandling behandlas inverkan av punktdefekter (kvävevakanser och interstitialer) och multilagring ((Ti,Al)N/TiN) på högtemperaturfasomvandlingar i tunna arcförångade skikt av kubiska (Ti,Al)N. Störst vikt har lagts på utvecklingen av det fördelaktiga spinodala sönderfallet till c-TiN och c-AlN, den ofördelaktiga omvandlingen till w-AlN och potentialen som hårda skikt i verktygstillämpningar. Tunna c-(Ti1-xAlx)Ny skikt med olika Al-andel och en N-halt mellan (y = 0.93 och 0.75) uppvisar ökad undertryckning av det spinodala sönderfallet med ökat kvävevakanshalt. Detta resulterar i bildandet av w-AlN skiftas upp i temperatur vilket gör att åldershärdningen höjs med 300 °C. Däremot medför närvaron av självinterstitialer ett snabbare sönderfall. Växelverkan mellan hårdmetallsubstraten och de tunna skikten vid hög temperatur ökar med minskad kvävehalt i skiten genom diffusion av atomer från substratet in i filmen. Filmer med låg kvävehalt (y = 0.58 till 0.40) bildar även andra faser så som Ti4AlN3, Ti2AlN, Al5Ti2 och Al3Ti under värmebehandling och fasomvandlingen från Ti2AlN till Ti4AlN3 sker via en mekanism kallad intercalation. Multilagring av TiN/TiAlN resulterar i ett ytriktad spinodalt sönderfall vilket påverkar det totala sönderfallsförloppet. Nyttjande av dessa resultat syns som lovande vägar till förbättrade verktygsegenskaper.

TiAlN-based Coatings at High Pressures and Temperatures

TiAlN-based Coatings at High Pressures and Temperatures
Author: Robert Pilemalm
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 47
Release: 2014-11-20
ISBN: 9175191865

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TiAlN and TiAlN-based coatings that are used of relevance as protection of cutting tool inserts used in metal machining have been studied. All coatings were deposited by reactive cathodic arc evaporation using industrial scale deposition systems. The metal content of the coatings was varied by using different combinations of compound cathodes. The as-deposited coatings were temperature annealed at ambient pressure and in some cases also at high pressure. The resulting microstructure was first evaluated through a combination of x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, mechanical properties such as hardness by nanoindentation were also reported. TiAlN coatings with two different compositions were deposited on polycrystalline boron nitride substrates and then high pressure high temperature treated in a BELT press at constant 5.35 GPa and at 1050 and 1300 °C for different times. For high pressure high temperature treated TiAlN it has been shown that the decomposition is slower at higher pressure compared to ambeint pressure and that no chemical interaction takes place between TiAlN and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride during the experiments. It is concluded that this film has the potential to protect a polycrystalline cubic boron nitride substrate during metal machining due to a high chemical integrity. TiZrAlN coatings with different predicted driving forces for spinodal decomposition were furthermore annealed at different temperatures. For this material system it has been shown that for Zr-poor compositions the tendency for phase separation between ZrN and AlN is strong at elevated temperatures and that after spinodal decomposition stable TiZrN is formed.

Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing

Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing
Author: Akhtar Kalam
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 808
Release: 2017-10-27
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9811047650

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This book is a compilation of research work in the interdisciplinary areas of electronics, communication, and computing. This book is specifically targeted at students, research scholars and academicians. The book covers the different approaches and techniques for specific applications, such as particle-swarm optimization, Otsu’s function and harmony search optimization algorithm, triple gate silicon on insulator (SOI)MOSFET, micro-Raman and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, high-k dielectric gate oxide, spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, microstrip antenna, Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) with conducting surfaces, and digital image forgery detection. The contents of the book will be useful to academic and professional researchers alike.