Shaolin Qing Long Quan - Advanced Martial Applications

Shaolin Qing Long Quan - Advanced Martial Applications
Author: Bernd Höhle
Total Pages: 360
Release: 2020-03-17

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The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, The depth of Traditional Northern Shaolin, Fa Jin, Determination in Shaolin Philosophy, The doors in Shaolin Kung Fu, Introduction and main features, The names of the postures and the philosophical explanation, Basic technique, Training and combat study, Shaolin Qing Long Quan - Advanced martial applications, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Qing Long Quan - Boxul Dragonului Negru de la Shaolin

Shaolin Qing Long Quan - Boxul Dragonului Negru de la Shaolin
Author: Bernd Hohle
Total Pages: 362
Release: 2019-11-09
ISBN: 9781706984085

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Enciclopedia Shaolin este o lectură esențială pentru toți elevii sau instructorii care doresc să avanseze la un nivel superior sau să înțeleagă nucleul tradițional al stilului Shaolin Kung Fu ca artă și practică. Aceasta este seria completă de cărți tradiționale Shaolin unde studenții de arte marțiale așteaptă învățarea istoriei și filozofiei; studierea principiilor și conceptele stilului; explorarea punctelor fine, atât ca teorie, cât și ca aplicații marțiale, care sunt aplicabile antrenamentelor în multe alte stiluri de arte marțiale; dobândirea teoriei esențiale a filozofiei Chan, arta marțială Shaolin și QiGong; înțelegerea concepteleor de luptă din spatele mișcărilor; examinarea și explorarea detaliile formelor, inclusiv principiile cheie ale mișcărilor, precum și aplicațiile lor marțiale avansate; dezvoltarea abilitaţilor marţiale prin tehnici specifice de antrenament; cărți importante pentru practicantul care încearcă să obțină claritate în înțelegerea sa despre artele marțiale, indiferent de stilul practicat; descoperirea a cum se analizează formele și aplicațiile marțiale din Shaolin KungFu, dobândirea cunoștințelor superioare despre stilul și perspectivele dvs. care vă vor oferi o mai bună înțelegere a artei practicate; creșterea puterii, îmbunătățirea sănătaţii și dezvoltarea puterii marțiale explozive cu Shaolin Qigong. Această carte conține: dedicaţie, autor, Profunditatea stilului Shaolin Kung Fu Tradiţional, Fa Jin, Determinarea în Filozofia Shaolin, Porţile în Shaolin Kung Fu, Introducere şi caracteristici principale, Numele posturilor şi explicaţia filozofică, Tehnica de bază, Pregătirea şi studiul de luptă, Shaolin Qing Long Quan - Forma Dragonului Negru de la Shaolin - aplicaţii marţiale avansate, Martial Arts Association - International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Basic Level 4

Shaolin Basic Level 4
Author: Bernd Hohle
Total Pages: 218
Release: 2019-08-28
ISBN: 9781689175845

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The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, Level of Blue Belt 3 Stripes, The Meditation, Principle of the three Aligned Points, Principle of the three Segments, Principle of the eight Movements, The Principle of Tension and Relaxation, The Principle of the Three Energy Circles, Martial Qi Gong, Dan Tian, Qin Na, Combinations with Partners, Shaolin Qing Long Quan - Basic Martial Applications, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Wu Hua Quan - Advanced Martial Applications

Shaolin Wu Hua Quan - Advanced Martial Applications
Author: Bernd Höhle
Total Pages: 356
Release: 2020-03-16

Download Shaolin Wu Hua Quan - Advanced Martial Applications Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, The depth of Traditional Northern Shaolin, Fa Jin, Attention in Shaolin Philosophy, The roots of Shaolin Kung Fu, Introduction and main features, The names of the postures and the philosophical explanation, Basic technique, Training and combat study, Shaolin Wu Hua Quan - Advanced martial applications, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Wu Bu Quan - Advanced Martial Applications

Shaolin Wu Bu Quan - Advanced Martial Applications
Author: Bernd Höhle
Total Pages: 268
Release: 2020-03-15

Download Shaolin Wu Bu Quan - Advanced Martial Applications Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, The depth of Traditional Northern Shaolin, About real combat, Become a good practitioner and teacher, Introduction and main features, The names of the postures and the philosophical explanation, Basic technique, Training and combat study, Shaolin Wu Bu Quan - Advanced martial applications, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Hei Hu Quan - Advanced Martial Applications

Shaolin Hei Hu Quan - Advanced Martial Applications
Author: Bernd Höhle
Total Pages: 396
Release: 2020-03-15

Download Shaolin Hei Hu Quan - Advanced Martial Applications Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, The depth of Traditional Northern Shaolin, Fa Jin, The present moment in Shaolin Philosophy, The postures in Shaolin Kung Fu, Introduction and main features, The names of the postures and the philosophical explanation, Basic technique, Training and combat study, Shaolin Hei Hu Quan - Advanced martial applications, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Tong Bei Zhang - Advanced Martial Applications

Shaolin Tong Bei Zhang - Advanced Martial Applications
Author: Bernd Höhle
Total Pages: 320
Release: 2020-03-18

Download Shaolin Tong Bei Zhang - Advanced Martial Applications Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, The depth of Traditional Northern Shaolin, Conditioning in Shaolin Kung Fu, Calm in Shaolin Philosophy, Skills in Shaolin Kung Fu, Martial QiGong, Introduction and main features, The names of the postures and the philosophical explanation, Basic technique, Training and combat study, Shaolin Tong Bei Zhang - Advanced martial applications, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Advanced Level 2

Shaolin Advanced Level 2
Author: Bernd Höhle
Total Pages: 452
Release: 2020-03-08

Download Shaolin Advanced Level 2 Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, Level of Black Belt 1 Stripe, Martial Morality, The 3 Jewels of Forms - Quan, Fa, Gong, The General Theory of Jin, Chan Si Jin - the Jin that wraps the silk, Candle training, Theory of two Yin Yang polarities in a human body, Chan Buddhism and Martial Arts, Application of the Liu He principle, Perforation principle, Surprise Attack Principle, Rubbing principle, Resistance principle, Tearing principle, Rooting and Lifting Principle, The depth of Traditional Northern Shaolin, The Meditation of the Internal Elixir, Shaolin Shi San Qiang - Basic Martial Applications, Shaolin Wu Xing Ba Fa Quan (108) - Basic Martial Applications, Shaolin Xi Sui Jing, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Shaolin Qi Chui - Advanced Martial Applications

Shaolin Qi Chui - Advanced Martial Applications
Author: Bernd Höhle
Total Pages: 320
Release: 2020-03-18

Download Shaolin Qi Chui - Advanced Martial Applications Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

The Shaolin Encyclopedia is an essential reading for all students or teachers who want to advance to a higher level or to understand the core of traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu as an art and practice. This is the complete series of traditional Northern Shaolin books that martial arts students are waiting for: learning history and philosophy; study the principles and concepts of style; explore the finer points, both as a theory and as martial applications, which are applicable to training in many other martial arts styles; acquire the essential theory of Chan philosophy, the martial art of Shaolin and QiGong; understand the concepts of fighting behind the movements; examine and explore the details of the forms, including the key principles of the movements as well as their advanced martial applications; develop martial skills through specific training techniques; important books for the designer who seek to obtain clarity in his understanding of martial arts, regardless of the style practiced; discover how to analyze the shapes and the martial applications in Shaolin KungFu, acquiring superior knowledge about your style and insights that will give you a greater understanding of your art; increase your strength, improve your health and develop explosive martial strength with Shaolin Qigong. This book contains: Dedication, Author, The depth of Traditional Northern Shaolin, The skill of Shaolin Kung Fu, The characteristics of Shaolin Kung Fu, Do not possess in Shaolin Philosophy, General theory of Martial QiGong, Introduction and main features, The names of the postures and the philosophical explanation, Basic technique, Training and combat study, Shaolin Qi Chui - Advanced martial applications, Martial Arts Association International, Chin Woo Athletic Association, Italian Chin Woo Athletic Association, Bei Shaolin Quan Italy.

Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na

Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na
Author: Jwing-Ming Yang
Publisher: Ymaa Publications
Total Pages: 424
Release: 1995
Genre: Sports & Recreation
ISBN: 9780940871366

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For intermediate and advanced students, seizing techniques applied in real combat scenarios.