Lithography-driven Design for Manufacturing in Nanometer-era VLSI

Lithography-driven Design for Manufacturing in Nanometer-era VLSI
Author: Chul-Hong Park
Total Pages: 202
Release: 2008

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Photolithography has been a key enabler of the aggressive IC technology scaling implicit in Moore's Law. As minimum feature sizes approach the physical limits of lithography and the manufacturing process, resolution enhancement techniques (RETs) dictate certain tradeoffs with various aspects of process and performance. This in turn has led to unpredictable design, unpredictable manufacturing, and low yield. As a result, close communication between designer and manufacturer has become essential to overcome the uncertainties of design and manufacturing. The design for manufacturability (DFM) paradigm has emerged recently to improve communications at the design-manufacturing interface and to reduce manufacturing variability. DFM is a set of technologies and methodologies that both help the designer extract maximum value from silicon process technology and solve "unsolvable" manufacturing challenges. Traditional DFM techniques, which include design rule check (DRC) and optical proximity correction (OPC), have been successfully used until now. However, as the extent and complexity of lithography variations increase, traditional techniques are no longer adequate to accommodate the various lithography demands. This thesis focuses on ways to mitigate the impact of lithography variations on design by establishing new interfaces between design and manufacturing. The motivations for doing so are improved printability, timing and leakage as well as reduced design cost. To improve printability, we propose a detailed placement perturbation technique for improved depth of focus and process window. Using a dynamic programming (DP)-based method for the perturbation, the technique facilitates insertion of scattering bars and etch dummy features, reducing inter-cell forbidden pitches almost completely. We also propose a novel auxiliary pattern-enabled cell-based OPC which can improve the edge placement error over cell-based OPC. The technique improves runtime which has grown unacceptably in model-based OPC, while retaining its runtime advantage as well as timing and leakage optimization. The detailed placement framework is also available to allow opportunistic insertion of auxiliary pattern around cell instances in the design layout. Aberration leads to linewidth variation which is fundamental to achieve timing performance and manufacturing yield. We describe an aberration-aware timing analysis flow that accounts for aberration-induced cell delay variations. We then propose an aberration-aware timing-driven global placement technique which utilizes the predictable slow and fast regions created on the chip due to aberration to improve cycle time. The use of the technique along with field blading achieves significant cycle time improvement. DoseMapper technique adopted in advanced lithography equipments has been used to reduce the across-chip linewidth variation. We propose a novel method to enhance timing yield as well as reduce leakage power by combined dose map and placement optimizations. The new dose map is not determined to have the same critical dimension (CD) in all transistor gates, but optimized to have different linewidths. That is, for devices on setup timing-critical paths, a smaller than nominal CD will be desirable, since this creates a faster-switching transistor. On the other hand, for devices on hold timing-critical paths, a larger than nominal gate CD will be desirable since this creates a less leaky transistor. Last, the golden verification signoff tool using simulation-based approach represents a runtime-quality tradeoff that is high in quality, but also high in runtime. We are motivated to develop a low-runtime pre-filter that reduces the amount of layout area to be analyzed by the golden tool, without compromising the overall quality finding hotspots. We demonstrate a dual graph-based hotspot filtering technique that enables fast and accurate estimation.

Optimizations of Manufacturability and Manufacturing in Nanometer-era VLSI

Optimizations of Manufacturability and Manufacturing in Nanometer-era VLSI
Author: Xu Xu
Total Pages: 129
Release: 2006

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As optical lithography advances into the 65nm technology node and beyond, minimum feature size outpaces the lithography wavelength. As a result, mask/wafer manufacturing yield improvement and cost reduction have been widely accepted as key factors for aggressive technology scaling. This thesis is concerned with the following four manufacturability/manufacturing problems. Fracturing: Mask manufacturing for the 90nm and 65nm nodes increasingly deploys variable shaped beam mask writing machines. The pervasive use of OPC leads to dramatic increase in the number of thin trapezoids, which significantly decrease the mask manufacturing yield. This thesis suggests an optimal integer linear programming based fracturing approach and a fast heuristics which substantially reduce sliver count in comparison to leading commercial fracturing tools. MPW: Multiple project wafers (MPW) provide an attractive mask manufacturing cost reduction solution for low-volume production designs by sharing the cost of mask tooling among up to tens of designs. This thesis proposes a comprehensive MPW flow aimed at minimizing the manufacturing cost which includes (1) multi-project reticle floorplanning, and (2) wafer shot-map and dicing plan definition. PSM: In the context of wafer manufacturing, Alternating-Aperture Phase Shift Masking (AAPSM) will be used to image critical features on the polysilicon layer at smaller technology nodes. This technology imposes additional constraints on the layouts beyond traditional design rules. Phase conflicts have to be detected and removed to enable the use of AAPSM. This thesis has two key contributions: (1) a new computationally efficient approach to detect a minimal set of phase conflicts, which when corrected will produce a phase-assignable layout; (2) a novel layout modification scheme for correcting these phase conflicts in standard-cell blocks. Redundant Vias: Finally, a large part of wafer manufacturing yield loss is due to via voids, which can be relieved by redundant vias insertion or via doubling. This thesis proposes perfect matching based post-route via doubling which achieves optimum yield improvement. Redundant interconnects or "short loops" are introduced to maximize the number of doubled vias. Experimental results show that near 100% via doubling coverage can be achieved with simultaneously optimal redundant via and short loop insertion in the post-route stage.

Bridging Design and Manufacturing Gap Through Machine Learning and Machine-generated Layout

Bridging Design and Manufacturing Gap Through Machine Learning and Machine-generated Layout
Author: Yibo Lin
Total Pages: 530
Release: 2018

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Very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits have entered the era of 1x nm technology node and beyond. Emerging manufacturing processes such as multiple patterning lithography, E-beam lithography (EBL), and selective etching, have been proposed to ensure nano-scale manufacturability. Meanwhile, design configurations keep updating in the pursuit of performance, design flexibility, and cost reduction. Despite such advancement in design and manufacturing, the closure of design flow becomes more and more challenging. The major issues come from three aspects: (1) expensive process modeling (e.g., complex lithography systems); (2) design-dependent manufacturability (e.g., yield sensitive to design patterns); (3) complicated design constraints (e.g., numerous placement and routing rules). To close the gap between design and manufacturing, automated layout generation requires cross-layer information feed-forward and feed-back, such as accurate process modeling and manufacturing-guided design optimization. This dissertation attempts to bridge the design and manufacturing gap through synergistic design optimization for automated layout generation and efficient machine learning techniques for lithography modeling. Our research includes manufacturing aware detailed placement, holistic post-layout optimization, and learning-based lithography modeling to achieve fast design and manufacturing closure. For manufacturing aware detailed placement, the limitation of conventional flow under the context of emerging lithography technologies and design configurations, e.g., MPL, EBL, and multiple-row height standard cells, is demonstrated. Then three important directions are explored with effective algorithms and new design flows: (1) triple patterning lithography (TPL) compliance for detailed placement considering both cross-row and intra-row decomposition conflicts; (2) simultaneous EBL stitch optimization with detailed placement; (3) multiple-row detailed placement for mixed-cell-height design. For post-layout optimization, given input placement and routing solutions, layouts need to be optimized for MPL, chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), and process variations, without affecting the functionality and performance of the designs. In particular, the following critical challenges are identified and resolved: (1) efficient and high-quality layout decomposition; (2) holistic dummy fill insertion to balance layout uniformity and coupling capacitance; (3) patterning aware design optimization for selective etching. The study focuses on yield improvement with manufacturing-guided layout manipulation and developing effective yet efficient approaches for even NP-hard problems such as layout decomposition. For lithography modeling, one of the major conflicts in modeling is considered: accuracy and amounts of calibration data. Models often rely on huge amounts of calibration data to achieve generality and high accuracy on a large variety of design patterns, while obtaining manufacturing data is usually expensive and time-consuming. With the observation of the potential correlation between datasets from consecutive technology nodes, a transfer learning scheme is proposed, leveraging existing data from an old technology node to help the calibration of the target technology node. Then an effective active learning algorithm with theoretical insights is also developed to actively select representative data for model calibration. With our machine learning techniques, a significant reduction on data is possible while maintaining high modeling accuracy. The effectiveness of proposed design optimization and machine learning techniques is demonstrated with extensive experiments on industrial-strength benchmarks. Our approaches are capable of reducing turn-around time, saving modeling costs, and enabling fast design and manufacturing closure.


Author: Zhongfeng Wang
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 467
Release: 2010-02-01
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9533070498

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The process of Integrated Circuits (IC) started its era of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) in 1970’s when thousands of transistors were integrated into one single chip. Nowadays we are able to integrate more than a billion transistors on a single chip. However, the term “VLSI” is still being used, though there was some effort to coin a new term ULSI (Ultra-Large Scale Integration) for fine distinctions many years ago. VLSI technology has brought tremendous benefits to our everyday life since its occurrence. VLSI circuits are used everywhere, real applications include microprocessors in a personal computer or workstation, chips in a graphic card, digital camera or camcorder, chips in a cell phone or a portable computing device, and embedded processors in an automobile, et al. VLSI covers many phases of design and fabrication of integrated circuits. For a commercial chip design, it involves system definition, VLSI architecture design and optimization, RTL (register transfer language) coding, (pre- and post-synthesis) simulation and verification, synthesis, place and route, timing analyses and timing closure, and multi-step semiconductor device fabrication including wafer processing, die preparation, IC packaging and testing, et al. As the process technology scales down, hundreds or even thousands of millions of transistors are integrated into one single chip. Hence, more and more complicated systems can be integrated into a single chip, the so-called System-on-chip (SoC), which brings to VLSI engineers ever increasingly challenges to master techniques in various phases of VLSI design. For modern SoC design, practical applications are usually speed hungry. For instance, Ethernet standard has evolved from 10Mbps to 10Gbps. Now the specification for 100Mbps Ethernet is on the way. On the other hand, with the popularity of wireless and portable computing devices, low power consumption has become extremely critical. To meet these contradicting requirements, VLSI designers have to perform optimizations at all levels of design. This book is intended to cover a wide range of VLSI design topics. The book can be roughly partitioned into four parts. Part I is mainly focused on algorithmic level and architectural level VLSI design and optimization for image and video signal processing systems. Part II addresses VLSI design optimizations for cryptography and error correction coding. Part III discusses general SoC design techniques as well as other application-specific VLSI design optimizations. The last part will cover generic nano-scale circuit-level design techniques.

Nanometer VLSI Design-manufacturing Interface for Large Scale Integration

Nanometer VLSI Design-manufacturing Interface for Large Scale Integration
Author: Jae-Seok Yang
Total Pages: 308
Release: 2011

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As nanometer Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) demands more transistor density to fabricate multi-cores and memory blocks in a limited die size, many researches have been performed to keep Moore's Low in two different ways: 2D geometric shrinking and 3D vertical wafer stacking. For the geometric shrinking, nano patterning with 193nm lithography equipment is one of the most fundamental challenges beyond 22nm while the next-generation lithography, such as Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV) lithography still faces tremendous challenges for volume production in the near future. As a practical solution, Double Patterning Lithography (DPL) has become a leading candidate for sub-20nm lithography process. Another approach for multi-core integration is 3D wafer stacking with Through Silicon Via (TSV). Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) approaches to enable robust DPL and TSV technology are the main focus of this dissertation. DPL poses new challenges for overlay and layout decomposition. Therefore, overlay induced variation modeling and efficient decomposition for better manufacturability are in great demand. Since the variation of metal space caused by overlay results in coupling capacitance variation, we first model metal spacing variation with individual overlay sources. Then, all overlay sources are considered to determine the worst timing with coupling capacitance variation. Non-parallel pattern caused by overlay is converted to parallel one with equivalent spacing having the same delay to be applicable of a traditional RC extraction flow. Our experiments show that the delay variation due to overlay in DPL can be up to 9.1%, and well decomposed layout can reduce the variability. For DPL layout decomposition, we propose a multi-objective and flexible framework for stitch minimization, balanced density, and overlay compensation, simultaneously. We use a graph theoretic algorithm for minimum stitch insertion and balanced density. Additional decomposition constraints for overlay compensation are obtained by Integer Linear Programming (ILP). Robust contact decomposition can be obtained with additional constraints. With these constraints, global decomposition is performed using a modified Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) graph partitioning algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed framework is highly scalable and fast: we can decompose all 15 benchmark circuits in five minutes in a density balanced fashion, while an ILP-based approach can finish only the smallest five circuits. In addition, we can remove more than 95% of the timing variation induced by overlay for tested structures. Three-dimensional integration has new manufacturing and design challenges such as device variation due to TSV induced stress and timing corner mismatch between different stacked dies. Since TSV fill material and silicon have different Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (CTE), TSV causes silicon deformation due to different temperatures at chip manufacturing and operating. Therefore, the systematic variation due to TSV induced stress should be considered for robust 3D IC design. We propose systematic TSV stress aware timing analysis and show how to optimize layout for better performance. First, a stress contour map with an analytical radial stress model is generated. Then, the tensile stress is converted to hole and electron mobility variations depending on geometric relations between TSVs and transistors. Mobility variation aware cell library and netlist are generated and incorporated in an industrial timing engine for 3D-IC timing analysis. TSV stress induced timing variations can be as much as 10% for an individual cell. As an application for layout optimization, we can exploit the stress-induced mobility enhancement to improve timing on critical cells. We show that stress-aware perturbation could reduce cell delay by up to 14.0% and critical path delay by 6.5% in our test case. Three-dimensional Clock Tree Synthesis (3D CTS) is one of the main design difficulties in 3D integration because clock network is spreading over all tiers. In 3D CTS, timing corner mismatch between tiers is caused because each tier is manufactured in independent process. Therefore, inter-die variation should be considered to analyze and optimize for paths spreading over several tiers in 3D CTS. In addition, mobility variation of a clock buffer due to stress from TSV can cause unexpected skew which degrades overall chip performance. Therefore, we propose clock period optimization to consider both timing corner mismatch and TSV induced stress. In our experiments, we show that our clock buffer tier assignment reduces clock period variation up to 34.2%, and the most of stress-induced skew can be removed by our stress-aware CTS. Overall, we show that performance gain can be up to 5.7% with the proposed CTS algorithm. As technology scaling continues toward 14nm and 3D-integration, this dissertation addresses several key issues in the design-manufacturing interface, and proposes unified analysis and optimization techniques for effective design and manufacturing integration.

Design for Manufacturability with Advanced Lithography

Design for Manufacturability with Advanced Lithography
Author: Bei Yu
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 164
Release: 2016-08-23
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9783319373935

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This book introduces readers to the most advanced research results on Design for Manufacturability (DFM) with multiple patterning lithography (MPL) and electron beam lithography (EBL). The authors describe in detail a set of algorithms/methodologies to resolve issues in modern design for manufacturability problems with advanced lithography. Unlike books that discuss DFM from the product level or physical manufacturing level, this book describes DFM solutions from a circuit design level, such that most of the critical problems can be formulated and solved through combinatorial algorithms.

Design for Manufacturing with Advanced Lithography

Design for Manufacturing with Advanced Lithography
Author: Bei Yu
Total Pages: 488
Release: 2014

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Shrinking the feature size of very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI) with advanced lithography has been a holy grail for the semiconductor industry. However, the gap between manufacturing capability and the expectation of design performance becomes critically challenged in sub-16nm technology nodes. To bridge this gap, design for manufacturing (DFM) is a must to co-optimize both design and lithography process at the same time. DFM for advanced lithography could be defined very differently under different circumstances. In general, progress in advanced lithography happens along three different directions: (1) New patterning technique (e.g., layout decomposition for different patterning techniques); (2) New design methodology (e.g., lithography aware standard cell design and physical design); (3) New illumination system (e.g., layout fracturing for EBL system, stencil planning for EBL system). In this dissertation, we present our research results on design for manufacturing (DFM) with multiple patterning lithography (MPL) and electron beam lithography (EBL) addressing these three DFM research directions in advanced lithography. For the research direction of new patterning technique, we study the layout decomposition problems for different patterning technique and explore four important topics: (1) layout decomposition for triple patterning; (2) density balanced layout decomposition for triple patterning; (3) layout decomposition for triple patterning with end-cutting; (4) layout decomposition for quadruple patterning and beyond. We present the proof that triple patterning layout decomposition is NP-hard. Besides, we propose a number of CAD optimization and integration techniques to solve different problems. For the research direction of new design methodology, we will show the limitation of traditional design flow. That is, ignoring triple patterning lithography (TPL) in early stages may limit the potential to resolve all the TPL conflicts. We propose a coherent framework, including standard cell compliance and detailed placement, to enable TPL friendly design. Considering TPL constraints during early design stages, such as standard cell compliance, improves the layout decomposability. With the pre-coloring solutions of standard cells, we present a TPL aware detailed placement where the layout decomposition and placement can be resolved simultaneously. In addition, we propose a linear dynamic programming to solve TPL aware detailed placement with maximum displacement, which can achieve good trade-off in terms of runtime and performance. For the EBL illumination system, we focus on two topics to improve the throughput of the whole EBL system: (1) overlapping aware stencil planning under MCC system; (2) L-shape based layout fracturing for mask preparation. With simulations and experiments, we demonstrate the critical role and effectiveness of DFM techniques for the advanced lithography, as the semiconductor industry marches forward in the deeper sub-micron domain.

Handbook of VLSI Microlithography

Handbook of VLSI Microlithography
Author: William B. Glendinning
Publisher: William Andrew Publishing
Total Pages: 649
Release: 1991-01-01
Genre: Reference
ISBN: 9780815512813

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This handbook gives readers a close look at the entire technology of printing very high resolution and high density integrated circuit (IC) patterns into thin resist process transfer coatings-- including optical lithography, electron beam, ion beam, and x-ray lithography. The book's main theme is the special printing process needed to achieve volume high density IC chip production, especially in the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) industry. The book leads off with a comparison of various lithography methods, covering the three major patterning parameters of line/space, resolution, line edge and pattern feature dimension control. The book's explanation of resist and resist process equipment technology may well be the first practical description of the relationship between the resist process and equipment parameters. The basics of resist technology are completely covered -- including an entire chapter on resist process defectivity and the potential yield limiting effect on device production. Each alternative lithographic technique and testing method is considered and evaluated: basic metrology including optical, scanning-electron-microscope (SEM) techniques and electrical test devices, along with explanations of actual printing tools and their design, construction and performance. The editor devotes an entire chapter to today's sophisticated, complex electron-beam printers, and to the emerging x-ray printing technology now used in high-density CMOS devices. Energetic ion particle printing is a controllable, steerable technology that does not rely on resist, and occupies a final section of the handbook.

Lithography Variability Driven Cell Characterization and Layout Optimization for Manufacturability

Lithography Variability Driven Cell Characterization and Layout Optimization for Manufacturability
Author: Yong Chan Ban
Total Pages: 340
Release: 2011

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Standard cells are fundamental circuit building blocks designed at very early design stages. Nanometer standard cells are prone to lithography proximity and process variations. How to design robust cells under variations plays a crucial role in the overall circuit performance and yield. This dissertation studies five related research topics in design and manufacturing co-optimization in nanometer standard cells. First, a comprehensive sensitivity metric, which seamlessly incorporates effects from device criticality, lithographic proximity, and process variations, is proposed. The dissertation develops first-order models to compute these sensitivities, and perform robust poly and active layout optimization by minimizing the total delay sensitivity to reduce the delay under the nominal process condition and by minimizing the performance gap between the fastest and the slowest delay corners. Second, a new equivalent source/drain (S/D) contact resistance model, which accurately calculates contact resistances from contact area, contact position, and contact shape, is proposed. Based on the impact of contact resistance on the saturation current, robust S/D contact layout optimization by minimizing the lithography variation as well as by maximizing the saturation current without any leakage penalty is performed. Third, this dissertation describes the first layout decomposition methods of spacer-type self-aligned double pattering (SADP) lithography for complex 2D layouts. The favored type of SADP for complex logic interconnects is a two-mask approach using a core mask and a trim mask. This dissertation describes methods for automatically choosing and optimizing the manufacturability of base core mask patterns, generating assist core patterns, and optimizing trim mask patterns to accomplish high quality layout decomposition in SADP process. Fourth, a new cell characterization methodology, which considers a random (line-edge roughness) LER variation to estimate the device performance of a sub-45nm design, is presented. The thesis systematically analyzes the random LER by taking the impact on circuit performance due to LER variation into consideration and suggests the maximum tolerance of LER to minimize the performance degradation. Finally, this dissertation proposes a design aware LER model which claims that LER is highly related to the lithographic aerial image fidelity and the neighboring geometric proximity. With a new LER model, robust LER aware poly layout optimization to minimize the leakage power is performed.