First-principles Linear Response All-electron FLAPW Study of Lattice Dynamics/phonons and the Effect of Magnetism

First-principles Linear Response All-electron FLAPW Study of Lattice Dynamics/phonons and the Effect of Magnetism
Author: Joo-Hyoung Lee
Total Pages:
Release: 2005

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By combining density functional theory and linear response theory, the normal mode frequencies of lattice vibration---phonons---are calculated from first-principles. Corresponding to the original Kohn-Sham equation with an external perturbation, the perturbed Kohn-Sham equation is solved self-consistently to give the variations in the density and the effective potential to linear order of the external perturbation. From these results, the dynamical matrices are calculated, and the phonon frequencies are obtained through direct diagonalization of the dynamical matrix.

Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamics
Author: Johan Tidholm
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 76
Release: 2020-11-02
Genre: Electronic books
ISBN: 9179297595

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The reason to perform calculations in material science usually falls into one of two categories: to predict or explain the origin of material properties. This thesis covers first-principle calculations for solids at extreme conditions, from both of the two mentioned categories. I primarily have studied the effects of high-pressure and high-temperature on lattice dynamics, mechanical and electronic properties. To treat the effects of temperature, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations and self-consistent phonon calculations, based on density functional theory, have been utilised. These approaches account for the temperature effects by considering thermally excited supercells as samples of a statistical ensemble. To extract properties from this representation, I have used methods which maps the supercell data to a unit cell representation or fits it to a simple model Hamiltonian. The small displacement method was used to analyse the dynamical stability for nitrides and polymorphs of silica, synthesised at high-pressure in a diamond anvil cell. The nitride compounds consist of a high amount of nitrogen either as chains, forming a porous framework together with transition metal atoms or as dinitrogen molecules, occupying the channels of the framework. The nitrogen chains consist of single- or double-bonded nitrogen atoms, making these compounds highly energetic. Polymorphs of silica can be used to model deep Earth liquids. These new polymorphs, named coesite-IV and coesite-V, consist of four-, five-, and six-oriented silicon. Some of the octahedra of the six-oriented silicon atoms, of these new phases, are sharing faces, which according to Pauling's third rule would make them highly unstable. My phonon calculations indicate these phases to be dynamically stable. Furthermore, my calculations predict higher compressibility for these new phases compared to the competing ones. By modelling silicate melts with coesite-IV and coesite-V, a more complex and compressible structure is expected, affecting the predicted seismic behaviour. I studied Kohn anomalies for body-centered cubic niobium by simulating this material with self-consistent phonon calculations. The electronic structure was studied by using a band unfolding technique, for which I obtained an effective unit cell representation of the electronic structure at elevated temperatures. Temperature primarily smeared the electronic states but did not induce significant shifts of the bands. In parallel, the anharmonicity of this system was studied using the temperature dependent effective potential method. Even close to the melting temperature, this element is remarkably harmonic. The experimentally observed disappearance of the Kohn anomalies with increased temperature is predominantly dependent, according to my calculations, on the temperature-induced smearing of the electronic states. Using stress-strain relations, accurate high-temperature elastic properties were predicted for Ti0.5Al0.5N. The simulations were performed with AIMD. The stresses were fitted using the least-squares method to a linear expression from which the elastic constants were derived. The results were compared with previously performed calculations that employed additional approximations. The results of the symmetry imposed force constant temperature dependent effective potential (SIFC-TDEP) method agrees well with our results. I also compared my results with TiN calculations that employed a similar methodology. My and the SIFC-TDEP results are reporting lower values for the polycrystalline moduli than the calculations for TiN. The data I generated were also used for a machine learned interatomic potential method, where moment tensor potentials were trained and evaluated, using this data. Den här avhandlingen handlar om beräkningar för material. När materialberäkningar utförs är det antingen för att förutsäga eller förklara egenskaper. De beräkningar som jag har gjort i denna avhandling är baserade på fundamentala fysiska lagar. Detta betyder att de är rent baserade på teori, och inte har anpassats efter resultat av experiment. Jag har i mitt arbete använt mig mycket utav en teori som kallas gitter dynamik. Den är definierad för periodiska material, det vill säga att atomerna i dessa material upprepas i periodiska mönster. Vi kan då anta att det finns en jämviktspunkt för alla atomerna, som de vibrerar omkring. Dessa vibrationer kan beskrivas som om atomerna påverkar varandra med fiktiva fjädrar. Genom att beräkna styrkan för dessa fjädrar kan vi beskriva vibrationerna av atomerna. Dessa vibrationer i sin tur är avgörande för materialets egenskaper. För att beskriva ett material vid en specifik temperatur har jag använt mig utav olika metoder för att simulera det. En simulering kan ses som ett “dator experiment”. Problemet är dock hur vi ska mäta egenskaperna i simuleringen. Ju större och mera komplex en simulering är, desto svårare blir det att beräkna egenskaperna av det simulerade materialet. Vi hamnar i en situation likt den vi skulle befinna oss om vi hade gjort ett experiment i verkligheten, och tvingas använda förenklade modeler för att kunna tolka resultatet. Jag har därför använt mig utav metoder för att utvinna vibrationer av atomer, elektrontillstånd eller elastiska egenskaper, specifikt utvecklade för att användas på denna typ utav simuleringar. Mitt arbete har kretsat kring hur dessa egenskaper påverkas av extrema temperaturer och tryck. De beräkningar jag har utfört vid höga tryck har varit för nyupptäckta nitrider och faser av kiseldioxid. Nitriderna är porösa material som innehåller en stor mängd kväve. Det höga kväveinehållet gör så att det lagras en stor mängd kemisk energi i enkel- och dubbelbindningar mellan kväveatomerna. De nya faserna av kiseldioxid har en betydelse för vår förståelse av jordens inre. Deras existens öppnar upp för att det kan finnas mera komplexa och ihoptryckbara flytande material, under jordens nedre mantel, än vad tidigare har varit antaget. Mina beräkningar har bekräftat strukturerna för dessa nyupptäckta material. Vid höga temperaturer har jag studerat för metallen niob hur vibrationerna av atomerna är relaterade till olika elektrontillstånd. För specifika vibrationer ökar frekvensen med ökad temperatur. Detta är något ovanligt eftersom vibrationernas frekvenser vanligtvis brukar minska med ökad temperatur. Mina simulering för denna metal överensstämmer med resultat från experiment. Orsaken till varför visa vibrationers frekvenser ökar kan jag förklara med att elektrontillståndens enskilda energier varierar över tid på grund av den ökade temperaturen. Jag har även använt mig av simuleringar för att beräkna elastiska egenskaper av legeringen Ti0.5Al0.5N. Ti1?xAlxN legeringar används som beläggningar på skärverktyg som används för metall. För att öka effektiviteten av beläggningen, behövs det detaljerad kunskap av dess mekaniska egenskaper för den temperatur som de används vid. Jag beräknade därför så noggrant som möjligt de elastiska egenskaperna för Ti0.5Al0.5N. Dessa beräkningar är avsedda för att användas som en referens för andra beräkningsmässigt billigare metoder. Datan som genererades från mina simuleringar användes även för en sådan metod, baserad på maskininlärning.

Lattice Dynamics from First Principles

Lattice Dynamics from First Principles
Author: Martin Hölzer
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2015*

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Density funktional theory; phonon; ab initio; KKR; multiple scattering theory; linear response theory; superconductivity; electronic structure; full potential; muffin tin

Mössbauer Effect in Lattice Dynamics

Mössbauer Effect in Lattice Dynamics
Author: Yi-Long Chen
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 423
Release: 2007-09-24
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3527611436

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This up-to-date review closes an important gap in the literature by providing a comprehensive description of the Mössbauer effect in lattice dynamics, along with a collection of applications in metals, alloys, amorphous solids, molecular crystals, thin films, and nanocrystals. It is the first to systematically compare Mössbauer spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation to conventional Mössbauer spectroscopy, discussing in detail its advantages and capabilities, backed by the latest theoretical developments and experimental examples. Intended as a self-contained volume that may be used as a complete reference or textbook, it adopts new pedagogical approaches with several non-traditional and refreshing theoretical expositions, while all quantitative relations are derived with the necessary details so as to be easily followed by the reader. Two entire chapters are devoted to the study of the dynamics of impurity atoms in solids, while a thorough description of the Mannheim model as a theoretical method is presented and its predictions compared to experimental results. Finally, an in-depth analysis of absorption of Mössbauer radiation is presented, based on recent research by one of the authors, resulting in an exact expression of fractional absorption, otherwise unavailable in the literature. The whole is supplemented by elaborate appendices containing constants and parameters.

Principles of the Theory of Lattice Dynamics

Principles of the Theory of Lattice Dynamics
Author: Harald Böttger
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
Total Pages: 332
Release: 1983-12-31
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3112728734

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No detailed description available for "Principles of the Theory of Lattice Dynamics".

Introduction to Lattice Dynamics

Introduction to Lattice Dynamics
Author: Martin T. Dove
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 288
Release: 1993-10-21
Genre: Science
ISBN: 0521392934

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The vibrations of atoms inside crystals - lattice dynamics - is basic to many fields of study in the solid-state and mineral sciences. This book provides a self-contained text that introduces the subject from a basic level and then takes the reader through applications of the theory.

Treatise on Geophysics, Volume 2

Treatise on Geophysics, Volume 2
Author: G David Price
Publisher: Elsevier
Total Pages: 657
Release: 2010-04-20
Genre: Science
ISBN: 0444535764

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Treatise on Geophysics: Mineral Physics, Volume 2, provides a comprehensive review of the current state of understanding of mineral physics. Each chapter demonstrates the significant progress that has been made in the understanding of the physics and chemistry of minerals, and also highlights a number of issues which are still outstanding or that need further work to resolve current contradictions. The book first reviews the current status of our understanding of the nature of the deep Earth. These include the seismic properties of rocks and minerals; problems of the lower mantle and the core-mantle boundary; and the state of knowledge on mantle chemistry and the nature and evolution of the core. The discussions then turn to the theory underlying high-pressure, high-temperature physics, and the major experimental methods being developed to probe this parameter space. The remaining chapters explain the specific techniques for measuring elastic and acoustic properties, electronic and magnetic properties, and rheological properties; the nature and origin of anisotropy in the Earth; the properties of melt; and the magnetic and electrical properties of mantle phases. Self-contained volume starts with an overview of the subject then explores each topic with in depth detail Extensive reference lists and cross references with other volumes to facilitate further research Full-color figures and tables support the text and aid in understanding Content suited for both the expert and non-expert

Electronic Structure

Electronic Structure
Author: Richard M. Martin
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 658
Release: 2004-04-08
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780521782852

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An important graduate textbook in condensed matter physics by highly regarded physicist.

Thermodynamic Properties of Solids

Thermodynamic Properties of Solids
Author: S. L. Chaplot
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 342
Release: 2010-02-19
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9783527630424

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Recent years have seen a growing interest in the field of thermodynamic properties of solids due to the development of advanced experimental and modeling tools. Predicting structural phase transitions and thermodynamic properties find important applications in condensed matter and materials science research, as well as in interdisciplinary research involving geophysics and Earth Sciences. The present edited book, with contributions from leading researchers around the world, is aimed to meet the need of academic and industrial researchers, graduate students and non-specialists working in these fields. The book covers various experimental and theoretical techniques relevant to the subject.