Exotic and Excited-state Meson Spectroscopy and Radiative Transitions from Lattice QCD.

Exotic and Excited-state Meson Spectroscopy and Radiative Transitions from Lattice QCD.
Total Pages: 1512
Release: 2010

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We discuss recent progress in extracting the excited meson spectrum and radiative transition form factors using lattice QCD. We mention results in the charmonium sector, including the first lattice QCD calculation of radiative transition rates involving excited charmonium states, highlighting results for high spin and exotic states. We present recent results on a highly excited isovector meson spectrum from dynamical anisotropic lattices. Using carefully constructed operators we show how the continuum spin of extracted states can be reliably identified and confidently extract excited states, states with exotic quantum numbers and states of high spin. This spectrum includes the first spin-four state extracted from lattice QCD. We conclude with some comments on future prospects.

Highly Excited and Exotic Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD.

Highly Excited and Exotic Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD.
Total Pages:
Release: 2011

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I will discuss recent progress in extracting highly excited and exotic meson spectra using lattice QCD. New results in the light meson sector will be presented, where a combination of techniques have enabled us to confidently identify the spin of extracted states. Highlights include many states with exotic quantum numbers and, for the first time in a lattice QCD calculation, spin-four states. I will conclude with comments on future prospects.

Excited Charmonium Physics from Lattice QCD.

Excited Charmonium Physics from Lattice QCD.
Total Pages:
Release: 2009

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Properties of excited mesons are studied using a lattice QCD simulation of a system comparable to charmonium. We extract a spectrum of states, including those with manifestly exotic quantum numbers. Radiative transition form-factors are also computed, in particular the transition from exotic ·c1 to J /È 3 which is found to be large on the usual scale of magnetic dipole transitions.

Excited Meson Radiative Transitions from Lattice QCD Using Variationally Optimized Operators

Excited Meson Radiative Transitions from Lattice QCD Using Variationally Optimized Operators
Total Pages:
Release: 2015

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We explore the use of 'optimized' operators, designed to interpolate only a single meson eigenstate, in three-point correlation functions with a vector-current insertion. These operators are constructed as linear combinations in a large basis of meson interpolating fields using a variational analysis of matrices of two-point correlation functions. After performing such a determination at both zero and non-zero momentum, we compute three-point functions and are able to study radiative transition matrix elements featuring excited state mesons. The required two- and three-point correlation functions are efficiently computed using the distillation framework in which there is a factorization between quark propagation and operator construction, allowing for a large number of meson operators of definite momentum to be considered. We illustrate the method with a calculation using anisotopic lattices having three flavors of dynamical quark all tuned to the physical strange quark mass, considering form-factors and transitions of pseudoscalar and vector meson excitations. In conclusion, the dependence on photon virtuality for a number of form-factors and transitions is extracted and some discussion of excited-state phenomenology is presented.

Highly Excited and Exotic Meson Spectrum from Dynamical Lattice QCD.

Highly Excited and Exotic Meson Spectrum from Dynamical Lattice QCD.
Total Pages:
Release: 2009

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Using a new quark-field construction algorithm and a large variational basis of operators, we extract a highly excited isovector meson spectrum on dynamical anisotropic lattices. We show how carefully constructed operators can be used to identify the continuum spin of extracted states. This method allows us to extract, with confidence, excited states, states of high spin and states with exotic quantum numbers, including, for the first time, spin-four states.

Excited Light Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD.

Excited Light Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD.
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

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I report on recent progress in calculating excited meson spectra using lattice QCD, emphasizing results and phenomenology. With novel techniques we can now extract extensive spectra of excited mesons with high statistical precision, including spin-four states and those with exotic quantum numbers. As well as isovector meson spectra, I will present new calculations of the spectrum of excited light isoscalar mesons, something that has up to now been a challenge for lattice QCD. I show determinations of the flavor content of these mesons, including the eta-eta' mixing angle, providing a window on annihilation dynamics in QCD. I will also discuss recent work on using lattice QCD to map out the energy-dependent phase shift in pi-pi scattering and future applications of the methodology to the study of resonances and decays.

Isoscalar Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD.

Isoscalar Meson Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD.
Total Pages: 5
Release: 2011

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We extract to high statistical precision an excited spectrum of single-particle isoscalar mesons using lattice QCD, including states of high spin and, for the first time, light exotic JPC isoscalars. The use of a novel quark field construction has enabled us to overcome the long-standing challenge of efficiently including quark-annihilation contributions. Hidden-flavor mixing angles are extracted and while most states are found to be close to ideally flavor mixed, there are examples of large mixing in the pseudoscalar and axial sectors in line with experiment. The exotic JPC isoscalar states appear at a mass scale comparable to the exotic isovector states.

Toward the Excited Meson Spectrum of Dynamical QCD.

Toward the Excited Meson Spectrum of Dynamical QCD.
Total Pages:
Release: 2010

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We present a detailed description of the extraction of the highly excited isovector meson spectrum on dynamical anisotropic lattices using a new quark-field construction algorithm and a large variational basis of operators. With careful operator construction, the combination of these techniques is used to identify the continuum spin of extracted states reliably, overcoming the reduced rotational symmetry of the cubic lattice. Excited states, states with exotic quantum numbers (0+-, 1-+ and 2+- ) and states of high spin are resolved, including, for the first time in a lattice QCD calculation, spin-four states. The determinations of the spectrum of isovector mesons and kaons are performed on dynamical lattices with two volumes and with pion masses down to ~ 400 MeV, with statistical precision typically at or below 1% even for highly excited states.

Toward the Excited Isoscalar Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD.

Toward the Excited Isoscalar Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD.
Total Pages: 19
Release: 2013

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We report on the extraction of an excited spectrum of isoscalar mesons using lattice QCD. Calculations on several lattice volumes are performed with a range of light quark masses corresponding to pion masses down to about ~400 MeV. The distillation method enables us to evaluate the required disconnected contributions with high statistical precision for a large number of meson interpolating fields. We find relatively little mixing between light and strange in most JPC channels; one notable exception is the pseudoscalar sector where the approximate SU(3)F octet, singlet structure of the [eta], [eta]' is reproduced. We extract exotic JPC states, identified as hybrid mesons in which an excited gluonic field is coupled to a color-octet qqbar pair, along with non-exotic hybrid mesons embedded in a qqbar-like spectrum.