Clown Horror (Chinese Edition)

Clown Horror (Chinese Edition)
Author: I. D. Oro
Publisher: I. D. Oro
Total Pages: 250
Release: 2017-09-16
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

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President Führer Devil-Eggs 加入永遠的最佳朋友聯盟(B.F.F.),摧毀北大西洋公約組織(N.A.T O.)。 Irene一個17歲的女孩和她的父母Anthony和Katelyn住在華盛頓的西雅圖。Anthony在Katelyn譴責他進入美國蓋世太保之後逃離了Devilcare死亡小組和營地。 Irene秘密地記錄了兩名美國蓋世太保官員在她家中的對話。聽完錄音後,她意識到Anthony實際上是正確的,無恥的政府正在利用政府給予公民的免費電子郵件在美國每個人進行監視。替代事實是謊言,而不是科學證據。 President Führer Devil-Eggs 消除社會保障養老金和醫療保健健康福利給老年人替代Devilcare。 Katelyn和Irene必須說服Irene的祖父母離開威奇托,堪薩斯,並在西雅圖與Katelyn交往。現在一個艱難的決定是令人驚訝的電話。

Clown Horror 152 (Chinese Edition)

Clown Horror 152 (Chinese Edition)
Author: I. D. Oro
Publisher: I. D. Oro
Total Pages: 280
Release: 2022-01-02
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

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Osvaldo 是個天才,即使他的妻子 Sariyah 喜歡取笑他在餐廳做洗碗工的糟糕工作。 Osvaldo 並不關心他無聊的工作,因為這只是他真正工作的掩護。在他的雪佛蘭 Suburban 的秘密車廂裡走私是他真正的工作。他的挑戰是擊敗政府並賺錢。他是一個資本家,只對賺錢和獲得報酬感興趣。如果他們付錢給他,誰想越過他並不重要。由於他的常規工作只是一份最低工資的工作,因此這種副業是南加州唯一支付賬單的事情。 華盛頓西雅圖的一位朋友來要求Osvaldo支付他欠他的人情。 Osvaldo 不確定他是否能勝任這項任務,但他必須付出代價才能讓他討厭的朋友停止打擾他。一個新的挑戰到來了,這讓他承擔了從 Devilcare 死亡小組和營地營救人們的危險工作。現在,一旦 President Führer Devil-Eggs 簽署一項行政命令,將懲罰任何用行刑隊從裡面救人的人,他的生命就處於真正的危險之中。 Osvaldo 必須應對壓力和危險,同時確保他的妻子不會將他的新副業告訴政府。他不想死,因為他的妻子在從事非法活動時會驚恐發作。

Clown Horror 150 (Chinese Edition)

Clown Horror 150 (Chinese Edition)
Author: I. D. Oro
Publisher: I. D. Oro
Total Pages: 280
Release: 2022-01-02
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

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在平行宇宙中,種族主義政府(G.O.P.)黨通過與其他右翼政黨組成法西斯聯盟贏得 2016 年總統選舉。President Führer Devil-Eggs 兌現了他對美國的承諾,他當選為他的“讓美國 4 再次成為法西斯主義者”。President Führer Devil-Eggs感謝President Vladimir Putin通過組建“永遠最好的朋友聯盟”幫助贏得選舉。這個新聯盟正式稱為莫洛托夫-里賓特洛甫條約續集,將與北大西洋公約組織(N.A.T.O.)及其最新成員中國作戰。替代事實現在是行政命令的科學證據。一項行政命令出台後,老年人的社會保障養老金和醫療保險福利將消失,該命令取消了為資助這些計劃而徵收的稅款。 A. C. A.(平價醫療法案)或奧巴馬醫改被淘汰,而President Führer Devil-Eggs 用 Devilcare Death Panels & Camps 取而代之。 Devilcare 死亡小組和營地提供免費醫療保健、免費死亡小組,會計師可以通過分配醫療保健來省錢,以及免費集中營,使用政府規定的流感疫苗來消滅該國的公民、政敵和罪犯。 一群角色現在必須應對他們的新現實。Irene一直是校園劇中的配角,她想成為一次明星。Osvaldo 試圖愚弄政府為他的退休賺錢。Shmuel 是一名政府工作人員,他正在努力為國家服務並完成其部門的使命。 Anthony什麼都知道,即使他的家人認為他只是瘋了。Riya 被困在一個沒有盡頭的工作中,並找到了一個機會來擺脫她無聊的生活。Courtney 歡迎在 Devilcare Death Panels & Camps 接受新工作機會的挑戰。Aryanna 知道她必須領導戰鬥反對她所在城市的法西斯。Jurnee 是 End Racism Church 的牧師,帶領她的羊群與邪惡作鬥爭。Naya 是一名法國間諜,試圖在他們抓住她之前向她的國家傳遞信息。

Clown Horror (Japanese Edition)

Clown Horror (Japanese Edition)
Author: I. D. Oro
Publisher: I. D. Oro
Total Pages: 250
Release: 2017-09-16
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

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大統領Führer Devil-Eggs 、を破壊する最善の友人永遠(B. F. F.)同盟に加盟している は、北大西洋条約機構(N.A. T.O.)。 Irene 17歳の女の子は、ワシントン州シアトルの両親AnthonyとKatelynと一緒に住んでいます。 Katelyn がアメリカのゲシュタポに彼を告発した後、Anthony 逃れるDevilcare死のパネルとキャンプを。 Irene は彼女の家に2人のアメリカ人ゲシュタポ将校の会話を秘密裏に記録している。録音を聞いた後、彼女は Anthony が実際に正しいことを理解している。恥知らずの政府は、政府が市民に与える無料の電子機器を使って米国のすべての人を監視している。代わりの事実は、科学的証明ではなく、嘘です。 大統領Führer Devil-Eggs、る高齢者のための社会保障年金とメディケアの健康上の便益を排除します。 KatelynとIreneはIreneの祖父母にWichita、Kansasを後にしてKatelynと一緒に行くことを納得させなければならない。厳しい決断は驚くべきことです。

Clown Horror 150 (Japanese Edition)

Clown Horror 150 (Japanese Edition)
Author: I. D. Oro
Publisher: I. D. Oro
Total Pages: 280
Release: 2022-01-02
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

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並行する世界では、人種差別主義者の政府(G. O. P.)党が、他の右翼政党とファシスト連立を結成することにより、2016年の大統領選挙に勝利します。 PresidentFührerDevil-Eggsは、彼の「Made America 4 the Fascist Again」として選出された後、アメリカ合衆国への約束を果たします。 PresidentFührerDevil-Eggs はPresident Vladimir Putin、Best Friends Forever Allianceを結成して選挙に勝利するのを手伝ってくれたことに感謝します。正式にはモロトフ・リッベントロップ協定の続編として知られているこの新しい同盟は、北大西洋条約機構(N. A. T. O.)とその最新メンバーである中国と戦うことになります。もう一つの事実は、大統領命令による科学的証拠になりました。大統領命令が到着すると、高齢者向けの社会保障年金とメディケア健康保険はなくなり、これらのプログラムに資金を提供するために徴収される税金がなくなります。 A. C. A.(Affordable Care Act)またはObamacareは廃止され、PresidentFührerDevil-EggsはDevilcare Death Panels&Campsに置き換えられました。 Devilcare Death Panels&Campsは、無料のヘルスケア、会計士がお金を節約するためにヘルスケアを配給する無料のデスパネル、および国の市民、政敵、犯罪者を排除するために政府が義務付けたインフルエンザワクチンを使用する無料の集中キャンプを備えています。 キャラクターのキャストは、新しい現実に対処する必要があります。 Ireneはいつも学校の演劇の脇役であり、彼女は一度はスターになりたいと思っています。 Osvaldoは彼の引退のためにお金を稼ぐために政府をだまそうとしている。 Shmuelは、彼の国に奉仕し、彼の部門の使命を果たしようとしている公務員です。 Anthonyは、家族が夢中になっていると思っていても、すべてを知っています。 Riyaは行き詰まりの仕事に行き詰まり、退屈な生活から逃れる機会を見つけました。Courtneyは、Devilcare Death Panels&Campsでの新しい仕事の機会への挑戦を歓迎します。Aryannaは、彼女が戦いを主導しなければならないことを知っています。彼女の街のファシストに対して。 Jurneeは、悪との戦いで彼女の群れを率いるEnd Racism Churchの牧師です。Nayaは、彼女を捕まえる前に彼女の国に情報を渡そうとしているフランスのスパイです。

Clown Horror 150

Clown Horror 150
Author: I. D. Oro
Publisher: I. D. Oro
Total Pages: 276
Release: 2022-01-23
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

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In a parallel universe the Government of the Racist (G. O. P.) Party wins the 2016 Presidential Election by forming the Fascist Coalition with other right-wing parties. President Führer Devil-Eggs fulfils his promise to the United States of America once elected as his “Made America 4 the Fascist Again,” arrives. President Führer Devil-Eggs thanks President Vladimir Putin for his help in winning the election by forming the Best Friends Forever Alliance. Officially known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact sequel this new alliance will fight the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (N. A. T. O.) and its newest member China. Alternative facts are now scientific proofs by executive orders. Social Security pensions and Medicare health benefits for senior citizens disappear after an executive order arrives which eliminates the taxes that are collected to fund these programs. The A. C. A. (Affordable Care Act) or Obamacare is eliminated while President Führer Devil-Eggs replaces it with Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. The Devilcare Death Panels & Camps feature free healthcare, free death panels where accountants ration off healthcare to save money, and free concentration camps that use government mandated flu vaccines to eliminate citizens, political enemies, and criminals in the country. A cast of characters must now deal with their new reality. Irene has always been the supporting character in the school play and she wants to be the star for once. Osvaldo is trying to fool the government to make money for his retirement. Shmuel is a government worker who is trying to serve his country and fulfil the mission of his department. Anthony knows everything even if his family think that he is just going crazy. Riya is stuck in a dead-end job and finds an opportunity to escape her boring life. Courtney welcomes the challenge of a new job opportunity in the Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. Aryanna knows that she must lead the fight against the fascist in her city. Jurnee is a pastor in the End Racism Church who leads her flock in the fight against evil. Naya is a French spy trying to pass information to her country before they catch her. (Word Count 59,116)

Clown Horror 152

Clown Horror 152
Author: I. D. Oro
Publisher: I. D. Oro
Total Pages: 301
Release: 2022-01-23
Genre: Young Adult Fiction

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Osvaldo is a genius even if his wife Sariyah likes to make fun of him for his lousy job as a dish washer in a restaurant. Osvaldo does not care about his boring job since it is just a cover for his real job. Smuggling people in his Chevrolet Suburban’s secret compartment is his real job. His challenge is in beating the government and making money. He is a capitalist who is only interested in making money and getting paid. It does not matter who wants to get across if they pay him. This side hussle is the only thing that is paying his bills in southern California since his regular job is only a minimum wage job. A friend from Seattle, Washington arrives to ask Osvaldo to pay him a favor that he owes. Osvaldo is not sure that he is up to the task but he must pay his favor to get his annoying friend to stop bothering him. A new challenge arrives which puts him in the dangerous job of rescuing people from the Devilcare Death Panels & Camps. Now his life is in real danger once President Führer Devil-Eggs signs an executive order that will punish anyone who rescues people from inside of there with a firing squad. Osvaldo must deal with the stress and the danger while he makes sure that his wife will not tell the government about his new side hussle. He does not want to end up dead since his wife has panic attacks when they are doing illegal activities. (Word Count 66,749)

Clown in a Cornfield

Clown in a Cornfield
Author: Adam Cesare
Publisher: HarperCollins
Total Pages: 265
Release: 2020-08-25
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
ISBN: 0062854615

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Bram Stoker Award Winner for Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel In Adam Cesare’s terrifying young adult debut, Quinn Maybrook finds herself caught in a battle between old and new, tradition and progress—that just may cost her life. Quinn Maybrook and her father have moved to tiny, boring Kettle Springs, to find a fresh start. But what they don’t know is that ever since the Baypen Corn Syrup Factory shut down, Kettle Springs has cracked in half. On one side are the adults, who are desperate to make Kettle Springs great again, and on the other are the kids, who want to have fun, make prank videos, and get out of Kettle Springs as quick as they can. Kettle Springs is caught in a battle between old and new, tradition and progress. It’s a fight that looks like it will destroy the town. Until Frendo, the Baypen mascot, a creepy clown in a pork-pie hat, goes homicidal and decides that the only way for Kettle Springs to grow back is to cull the rotten crop of kids who live there now. YALSA’s Best Fiction for Young Adults Nominee


Author: Jazan Wild
Publisher: Carnival Comics
Total Pages: 92
Release: 2006-10-31
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels

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FUNHOUSE OF HORRORS : The House Of Horrors (App-Book) (Best for reading a book on smart phones.) Book One in Jazan Wild's Funhouse Of Horrors Series. Blanch in terror at the first book of Jazan Wild's Funhouse of Horrors Series, "The House of Horrors." Beginning a frightful ongoing series, this tale sets a perfect tone. Ghosts, zombies, and terrible clowns are but the beginning. Jacob Stone, while on a family picnic, stumbles upon an old, abandoned house in the woods just a week before Halloween. The wretched place is being prepared as a one-night-only haunted house. One of the workers, a strange man known only as Ole Scratch, sees Jacob 'Jake' Stone and gives him a book of ghost stories with two tickets inside. They forever change his life… or what's left of it, anyway, after the ghosts are done with him. Enter, if you dare, into Jazan Wild's Funhouse of Horrors. "CARNIVAL COMICS" and "FUNHOUSE OF HORRORS" are Registered Trademarks.

Clown in a Cornfield 2: Frendo Lives

Clown in a Cornfield 2: Frendo Lives
Author: Adam Cesare
Publisher: HarperCollins
Total Pages: 332
Release: 2022-08-23
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
ISBN: 0063096935

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It’s an all-new horror classic about what happens when the truth is the last thing we want to believe, from Bram Stoker Award–winner and master of thrills and chills, horror legend Adam Cesare. After barely making it out of the Kettle Springs cornfields alive, Quinn’s first year away at college should be safe and easy. All she wants is to be normal again. But instead, Quinn finds that her past won’t leave her alone when she becomes the focus of online conspiracy theories that claim the Kettle Springs Massacre never happened. It’s a deranged but relentless fantasy, and there’s nothing Quinn can do to get people to hear the truth—not even on her own campus or in her own dorm room. So when a murderous clown attacks Quinn at a frat party while another goes after her father in Kettle Springs at the same time, Quinn realizes that the facts alone are never going to save her. Her only option is to go back into the cornfields, back where the nightmare began, to set the record straight the only way she knows how. Because when the truth gets lost in the lies, that’s when people start to die. Clown in a Cornfield was 2020’s Bram Stoker Award Winner for Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel. Clown in a Cornfield 2: Frendo Lives is perfectly set to attract old and new fans to the series.